@Red Wings de Détroit

96/97 RS: Det @ Chi Faits saillants – 05/01/97

Red Wings de Détroit @ Blackhawks de Chicago. 5 janvier 1997. Commentateurs du flux ESPN – Gary Thorne et Bill Clement Dét. des gardiens de but de départ – Mike Vernon Chi – Ed Belfour Records entrant dans le jeu Dét. 6 (36 Pts – 8e à l’Ouest) 1ère période (0:00 – 7:43) 0:07 – Belfour sauve sur Brown 0:14 – Cam Russell Goal (1-0 Chi) 0:31 – Jamie Pushor vs Jim Cummins Combat 1:17 – Joe Kocur vs Bob Probert Combat 3:03 – Vernon sauve sur Miller 3:16 – Bon jeu défensif de Lidstrom sur Amonte 3:25 – Belfour sauve sur Larionov/Lapointe/Yzerman 3:52 – Eric Daze Goal ( 2-0 Chi) 4:25 – Probert frappe sur Lidstrom 4:35 – Vernon sauve sur Amonte 4:50 – Belfour sauve sur Brown & Konstantinov 5:01 – Vernon sauve sur Daze 5:25 – Slava Kozlov Goal (2-1 Chi) *100e but en carrière 6:22 – Jim Cummins Goal (3-1 Chi) 7:11 – Kris Draper Breakaway Goal (3-2 Chi) 2e période (7:44 – 14:24) 7:46 – Arrêt de Belfour sur Fedorov 7:54 – Belfour sauve sur Kozlov 8:05 – Sergei Fedorov Goal (3-3 Tie) 8:45 – Fedorov chance 9:59 – Belfour sauve sur Brown 10:14 – J oe Kocur vs Cam Russell Fight 11:25 – Vernon sauve sur Amonte 11:38 – Ward frappe sur Moreau 11:46 – Steve Yzerman Goal (4-3 Det) *1,300th Career Point 13:08 – Chris Chelios Goal (4- 4 égalité) *700e point en carrière 13:55 – But de Martin Lapointe (5-4 Det) 3e période (14:25 – 18:29) 14:39 – Coup sûr de Ward sur les Noirs 14:49 – Arrêt de Belfour sur Brown 15:02 – Belfour sauve sur Brown 15:28 – Konstantinov frappe sur Shantz 15:38 – Konstantinov frappe sur Krivokrasov 15:58 – Pénalité grossière de Vernon sur Shantz 16:18 – Vernon sauve sur Amonte 17:15 – Gary Suter Goal (5-5 Tie ) 17:57 – Chance de Daze Prolongation (18:30 – 20:24) 18:31 – Vernon sauve sur Amonte 18:48 – Vernon sauve sur Daze 19:03 – Belfour sauve sur Shanahan 19:10 – Konstantinov & Amonte pénalisent pour rudesse 19:43 – Vernon sauve sur Zhamnov 19:50 – Chelios poursuit Kozlov 5-5 Résumé des scores finaux 1er P 2:04 – Chi – Russell (1) – Savard (11), Cummins (2) 7:33 – Chi – Daze (9) – Krivokrasov (6) 15:44 – Det – Kozlov (13) – Fedorov (17), Fetisov (11) 17:54 – Chi – Cummins (2) – Moreau (10), Savard (12) 18:35 – Det – Draper (3) – Fetisov (12) 2e P 6:21 – Det – Fedorov (19) – Kozlov (11) 17:59 – Det – Yzerman (12) – Dandenault (4), Lidstrom (21) 18:52 – Chi – Chelios (6) – Black (7), Shantz (7) 19:47 – Det – Lapointe (9) – Lidstrom (22), Yzerman (34) – PP 3rd P 17:48 – Chi – Suter (3) – Chelios (23) SOG Det – 34 Chi – 38 Powerplays Det – 1/5 Chi – 0/4 Full Boxscore : https://www.nhl.com/ gamecenter/det-vs-chi/1997/01/05/1996020524/recap/stats#game=1996020524,game_state=final,lock_state=final,game_tab=stats Faits saillants du jeu 1996-97 : https://www.youtube.com /playlist?list=PLBGvwexaBewgMhQso9N9Yk6mtExAOzEKk Les 6 adversaires originaux : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBGvwexaBewjWkLt8zMtFADew_5Qs6UKU Les adversaires de la division centrale : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBGvwexaBewhqlL7-Eo14Rq8AKN2 Jeux :Chttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBGvwexaBewhqlL7-Eo14Rq8AKN2 ://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBGvwexaBewgkh-zrkDZZke3aLlzNe1XK Plus de faits saillants du match des Red Wings : https://www.youtube.com/c/awood40/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&s hellf_id=2 Si vous souhaitez soutenir la chaîne : https://paypal.me/awood1340 ou https://www.patreon.com/awood40 #DetroitRedWings


  1. Ed Belfour's last home game as a Blackhawk in Chicago (played 2 more road games before the trade to San Jose)

  2. What's more terrifying? Being a linesman and having to jump on top of kocur and Probert or being a Chicago player and getting pinned against the glass and pounded by kocur?

  3. Interesting seeing the board advertising and which companies are still around.

  4. 10:23
    Cam Russel probably promised never to fight again after that feeding. My god that was brutal. And imagine being the front row teammate.

  5. [octopus is thrown on ice]
    Gary Thorne: A little early for that, isn't it?

    Not this year, Gary.

  6. So much anticipation of this game with Kocur back and the previous game against Chicago. Kozlov's stick lift and backhand at 5:27 was a thing of beauty. One of the best ties you'll ever see.

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