@Jets de Winnipeg

Où l’AJF a-t-elle caché ce coup

Où l’AJF a-t-elle caché ce coup



  1. Bagelchu

    Behind his stone hands. Apparently should have just been shooting

  2. AssEatingSznn

    Was watching the Canucks broadcast and the dumbass announcer was like what a weird goal… WTF … what’s weird about that SNIPE ?

  3. Mine-Shaft-Gap

    If you are good enough to be in the show, even as a call up, you are able to shoot like this – sometimes. It’s the consistency that makes the difference.

    When I was a younger man and wasn’t worried about blowing out either of my shit shoulders, I would go go the rink and clap « bombs ». They all sucked except for one out of 50 which was a fucking good shot. I remember very well one day about 12 years ago. Some young punks that I would probably tell to get off my lawn now had just come out. I was winding up my last shot and – pinnnnnnnnng – off the cross bar and out. Sure sounded like I knew how to shoot gud. Made it look like I did too.

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