@Canucks de Vancouver

Rappelez-vous quand nous aimions un meunier

Rappelez-vous quand nous aimions un meunier



  1. ApolloRocketOfLove

    I like our Miller. He’s lazy, yet still outperforms the majority of our roster, and doesn’t let the media bait him into cookie cutter fan service answers to their questions. And he gets the armchair GM’s on social media all flustered and triggered, which is more entertaining than Canucks hockey these days.

    Even most cup winning teams have the overpaid veteran player on their roster who doesn’t keep up with the fresh young guys. So I really don’t see him as a detrement to our team as long as management can manage the cap space around him.

    I really don’t get the hate for him, most of the people who cry and whine that he makes us worse, also want us to tank for Bedard lol dummy logic.

  2. Chef_Bronson

    We don’t give any players credit until it is too late. The Sedins were shit on for being soft (they were far from soft) by much of the fanbase their entire career. Only now are they universally revered.

    I’m not a big fan of JT, but we are so fucking critical of our players.

  3. jointcanuck

    I still like him, i grew up on him, i used to put him on my nhl custom teams as a kid, imo he just wasnt meant to be a canuck, it was always a weird fit imo, but that being said there’s still good moments when miller was a canuck, like that [time he stuck up for rookie stecher](https://youtu.be/lCLqePcFRfY)

    He was just old, he had heart but the guy was like 36 as a canuck so theres only so much i can blame him for, especially when it’s not like we had a good team during his years anyways, we were kinda just waiting for the sedins to retire at during his tenure

    (Edit) and i almost forgot to mention those hockey superstars scholastic books youd get at book fairs, my childhood was basically built on those and miller was always in there when i read them, so when i heard we got him it was insanse bc i the sedins used to be in those books to, so to me it was like legends connecting

    (Edit 2) so like basically imo ryan miller is just the reverse jt miller, and ryan miller actually deserves that superstar status and belongs in the US HHOF

  4. DingleBarr

    Don’t think we really liked that miller top much either

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