@Panthers de la Floride

Jonatan Berggren fantastique ce week-end | Les Red Wings perdent contre les Panthers de la Floride et les Maple Leafs de Toronto

Sortons d’abord le bien du chemin. Jonatan Berggren continue de prouver qu’il est un élément important de la reconstruction des Red Wings, faisant preuve d’équilibre et d’habileté sous pression. Robby Fabbri a marqué son premier but depuis son retour de sa TROISIÈME réparation du LCA et a réussi de gros coups sûrs. Jake Walman continue d’être sur un radiateur, jouant fantastique. Le jeu des équipes 5v5 continue de s’améliorer. Les mauvaises nouvelles. ILS NE PEUVENT PAS MARQUER. LEURS ÉQUIPES SPÉCIALES S’EST COMPLÈTEMENT DÉSINTÉGRÉE. #lgrw Soutenez-nous en soutenant nos sponsors ! Built Bar Built Bar est une barre protéinée qui a le goût d’une barre chocolatée. Rendez-vous sur builtbar.com et utilisez le code promotionnel « LOCKEDON15 » et vous obtiendrez 15 % de réduction sur votre prochaine commande. BetOnline BetOnline.net vous a couvert cette saison avec plus d’accessoires, de cotes et de lignes que jamais auparavant. BetOnline – Où le jeu commence ! Athletic Greens Pour vous faciliter la tâche, Athletic Greens vous offrira un approvisionnement GRATUIT d’un an en vitamine D de soutien immunitaire ET 5 packs de voyage GRATUITS avec votre premier achat. Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de visiter athleticgreens.com/NHLNETWORK


  1. Honestly, this team has become basically unwatchable. Their are a few main reasons

    1. The team simply lacks a single player that is a legitimate top line player. Larkin is very good, but he is a 2C on a competitive team. With him as 1C playoffs are a myth.

    Regarding the Wingers, Raymond looked to have potential as a top line player, but has significantly regressed and it looks like his best case is now a second liner. Vrana WAS a legitimate top line player, but he has washed out (despite ridiculous claims that taking the risk of waiving a $5M dollar winger was somehow a “genius” move by our GM for the sake of keeping Gustav Lindstrom or Adam Erne)

    Larkin/Raymond/Berggren is a good second line, but the first line is non existent and no one is on the horizon

    2. The complete regression of Mo Seider is huge. He was a top pairing guy, now he is a 3rd pairing guy at best. Meanwhile Chiarot (while making $4M) is not much better than Staal. Hronek is decent offensively but a complete joke defensively

    3. This teams power play has basically become a waste of time. They have no plan whatsoever and looks like 5 random guys just wandering around.

    At one point against Toronto they had 3 defenseman on the power play. The power play also featured Adam Erne and Joe Veleno at times

    4. The penalty kill is similarly lost and way too passive. If you ever see Filip Hronek or Oesterle on the penalty kill-that is not good!

  2. The boys need to start getting it together, they need to start winning, to jump in front of teams and get back into a playoff spot,new week come on boys start it off strong with a w

  3. Wings and Lions hope ends on the same weekend! I trust Yzerman–happy he held steady in contract negotiations. Can't wait to see what he does next. He set it up to where he can flip the entire team!

  4. The previous management group (Kenny Holland) & ownership mortgaged this teams future by making moves to keep the 25 year playoff streak alive by just sneaking into the playoffs back in 2014, 2015, and 2016. Those teams should have been sellers at trade deadline not buyers. The Wings could have/ should have been picking at top of draft, not at 17th, 19th.

    The result of that was not getting players like McDavid, Matthews, Eichel …etc. As much as I love Larkin, he's not a Superstar, just a very good player. You don't win in the NHL without Superstars, you just hang around the middle of the pack.

    In the NHL today, the only way to become a contender is to draft Superstars, and you don't get those guys picking late in 1st rnd.Teans don't trade superstar centers and rarely do those guys get to free agency.

    Also, the last few drafts of Holland's admin. we're absolutely AWFUL. Taking Zadina over Quinn Hughes is a perfect example.

    The Wings would be smart to just sell off at the deadline and roll the dice on winning the lottery.

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