@Bruins de Boston

Ce joueur a fait une crise…

Brad Marchand des Bruins de Boston était livide lors de leur match contre les Kings de Los Angeles. Il a fait une crise de colère après avoir manqué un appel de déclenchement et s’est vu infliger une pénalité mineure pour conduite antisportive. Il aiderait ensuite sur un but de Pastrnak, puis marquerait l’un des siens, canalisant sa colère dans la production. Suivez-moi : https://twitter.com/earboyq https://www.instagram.com/earboysport/ https://www.tiktok.com/@earboysport #nhl #hockey #shorts


  1. He isn't tough enough to be a goon,he's a very good hockey player with alot of heart who knows how to get into peoples geafs

  2. As a bruins fan, i like to think of him as a rat that always finds a lovely peice of cheese pretty much every game

  3. Hit him back, not that big. Don’t be a p*say about it. It’s not like Ryan Reeves where he’s 6”5 and doesn’t even know how to play hockey.

  4. Actually he's one of the elites of the game and is respected for that. His antics and some dangerous moves he pulls, such as slew-footing, are totally unacceptable. Truly he's a love him or hate him kinda guy. Personally, I love him.

  5. You said “ He was tripped” and moved on about how mad he was. You didn’t say there was no call on it. That wasn’t the first missed call of the game either. True, he was pissed and broke his stick but this is the first outburst he’s had in a quite a while. He’s a much calmer and more mature player this season.

  6. We’d gladly take him. Unlike M. Tkatchuk his outrageous behavior and lack of impulse control comes honestly. Tkatchuk does things to deliberately get under the skin.

  7. Complete moron does tons of penalties every game and then starts complaining when somebody trips him

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