@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Votre résumé hebdomadaire / r / bluejackets pour la semaine du 04 janvier au 10 janvier

**Mercredi 04 janvier – mardi 10 janvier** ###Top temps forts | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 201 | [7 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/1062rdg/we_got_ourselves_a_happy_marchenkshow/) | `[Season Highlight]` [We got ourselves a happy Marchenkshow](https://i.redd.it/qsz8o1t3wqaa1.png)|   ###Autres vidéos | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 67 | [4 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/1069awx/i_score_only_russian_holidays_3_this_man_is_a_gem/) | [« I score only Russian holidays. » <3 This man is a gem. Is like dream.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LsnNpnvgH4)| | 55 | [1 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/1067jmu/feels_appropriate_to_bring_this_back_after_this/) | [Feels appropriate to bring this back after this game](https://v.redd.it/e9k93htvxraa1)| | 51 | [9 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/106u2xo/the_nhl_is_starting_to_take_notice_of_the/) | [The NHL is starting to take notice of the Marchenkshow!](https://youtu.be/V0mIoTjouBY)| | 48 | [16 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bi97/on_this_day_in_hockey_2009/) | [On this day in hockey… 2009](https://v.redd.it/a9sy3dver9ba1)| | 15 | [0 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108qpau/everybody_loves_kirill/) | `[Regular]` [Everybody Loves Kirill 🤗](https://youtube.com/watch?v=d3mQRb4unxE&feature=share)|   ###Meilleurs messages restants | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 168 | [13 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/1049yc6/former_f1_world_champion_kimi_raikkonens_daughter/) | [Former F1 World Champion Kimi Raikkonen’s daughter in a Blue Jackets jersey](https://i.redd.it/takhhqejgaaa1.jpg)| | 151 | [27 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/106oexi/shoutout_to_the_fifth_line/) | Bravo à la cinquième ligne | | 121 | [9 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/1067b8w/when_marchenko_scores_we_all_score/) | `[Meme]` [When Marchenko scores, we ALL score](https://i.redd.it/313629vwvraa1.jpg)| | 107 | [60 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/1053ak0/portzline_larsen_is_done_fucking_around/) | [&#91;Portzline&#93; Larsen is done fucking around](https://i.redd.it/fu792ltroiaa1.jpg)| | 99 | [16 comments](/r/BlueJackets/commentaires/104uc6j/_/) | [👀](https://i.redd.it/kmawj7htvgaa1.jpg)| | 97 | [16 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/1038h26/jirickek_has_been_the_best_defenceman_at_world/) | [Jirickek has been the best defenceman at world juniors](https://i.redd.it/f43k35a242aa1.png)| | 83 | [25 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/103ud9x/just_a_little_more_jiricek_spam_highest/) | [Just a little more Jiricek spam – « Highest production by a U20 D in the AHL in the past 30 years, probably ever. Trending extremely similar to Adam Fox currently » -@ByronMBader](https://i.redd.it/pdg4wchtw6aa1.jpg)| | 55 | [57 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108ih0a/cole_and_marchenko_should_absolutely_not_be_on/) | `[Discussion]` [Cole and Marchenko should absolutely not be on the 4th line. there is zero reason not to be playing the kids more.](https://i.redd.it/sqeonvel6bba1.jpg)| | 49 | [3 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/103od0w/our_boy/) | [Our boy 🥹](https://twitter.com/TSN_Sports/status/1610757543986622465?s=20&t=IFsmtiVKj3ledu2LKJwX-A)| | 41 | [32 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/107ua93/kirill_marchenko_has_made_a_change_in_his/) | [Kirill Marchenko has made a change in his representation and is now with Dan Milstein of GoldStarHockey. This change happened in mid December.](https://twitter.com/KevinWeekes/status/1612596103001608193)|   ###Commentaires du fil de jeu | score | commentaire | |–|–| | 18 | /u/02496doux a dit [Marchenko is gonna get scratched if he keeps scoring goals](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bxa0/game_thread_columbus_blue_jackets_12252_at_tampa/j3u8xoi/?context=5) | | 17 | /u/Infranto a dit [« But, unfortunatley Marchenko got it in the net » Rimer secretly rooting for the tank?](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bxa0/game_thread_columbus_blue_jackets_12252_at_tampa/j3u8y56/?context=5) | | 15 | /u/adam3vergreen a dit [This sub has to fuckin chill… Jesus Christ the low hanging TOI fruit is annoying asf every thread](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bxa0/game_thread_columbus_blue_jackets_12252_at_tampa/j3svkl4/?context=5) | | 14 | /u/tailford07 a dit [Did Kent just attempt the…name of the school he went to?](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bxa0/game_thread_columbus_blue_jackets_12252_at_tampa/j3tz2yw/?context=5) | | 13 | /u/aprice72 a dit [CBJ has the worst commentary in the NHL. Oh my God it’s gotten exponentially worse.](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bxa0/game_thread_columbus_blue_jackets_12252_at_tampa/j3u8v2i/?context=5) | | 13 | /u/slowclapcitizenkane a dit [This Marchenko fellow seems kinda good.](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bxa0/game_thread_columbus_blue_jackets_12252_at_tampa/j3u8vm3/?context=5) | | 11 | /u/CrazyLegLaFleur1 a dit [Our game thread info continues to be worse than before. I’m just holding out hope that mods will make the switch back. Goalies, defense, and injuries are wrong and still sucks for mobile users with th…](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bxa0/game_thread_columbus_blue_jackets_12252_at_tampa/j3sp28u/?context=5) | | 11 | /u/kingofkitties8233 a dit [Did Kent just try a Michigan???](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bxa0/game_thread_columbus_blue_jackets_12252_at_tampa/j3tz16d/?context=5) | | 11 | /u/Infranto a dit [&#91;we’re dead last in total power play ice time by nearly 20 minutes&#93;&#40;https://www.nhl.com/stats/teams?report=powerplaytime&reportType=season&seasonFrom=20222023&seasonTo=20222023&gameType=2&…](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bxa0/game_thread_columbus_blue_jackets_12252_at_tampa/j3u0fos/?context=5) | | 11 | /u/deepthroathamburger a dit [I love the first NHL goal moment. We’ve been able to share it 94 times this season with 400 different young Jackets](/r/BlueJackets/comments/108bxa0/game_thread_columbus_blue_jackets_12252_at_tampa/j3u5wpb/?context=5) |  


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