@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Tim and Friends] Pensez-vous que c’était un sale coup sur David Kampf?

[Tim and Friends] Pensez-vous que c’était un sale coup sur David Kampf?



  1. zaunbie

    Simple answer, not dirty but still a penalty

  2. katovskiy

    dirty – no, but this is at minimum an inference minor. Should’ve been 5

  3. ImpressiveCan14

    Not dirty but definitely a penalty. Almost lost my shit when the ref nearly missed the high stick. Like holy shit DO YOUR JOB

  4. MatchMirner

    No, it looked like he was watching the play and didn’t notice Kampf. A penalty should have been called still, but not dirty.

  5. Dangerois333

    Nino Niedanelbowtotheheadereiter.

  6. stephenlipic

    Probably dirty. It’s Niederreiter. Just because he isn’t watching where he is going doesn’t mean he doesn’t know where he’s going.

  7. Morganvegas

    Don’t care if it’s clean or dirty.

    Just want it acknowledged and reviewed by player safety.

  8. bravooscarvictor

    It was a pick and he hit him in the head. It’s a penalty and the league would look good to penalize headshots like that.

  9. Ryan0413

    Not dirty but still a pick and as we were all told this past summer, that gets called every time

  10. elevenstewart

    It’s definitely a penalty. It could just be interference, but he does make contact with the head. Is it dirty? I don’t know.

    Normal speed I thought they bumped into each other. In slo-mo….look at his arms before he makes contact. His head may be facing the puck, but he brings his arms in for a hit. There’s no surprise reaction either as he runs him over. In cases where it is unintentional, you tend to see the player who initiated the contact caught somewhat off-guard and perhaps stumble.

    Penalty? Yes.
    Reviewed for head contact by league? Should be. (but won’t, it’s the Leafs).
    Dirty? Probably…but grey enough.

  11. Famous-Border-2242

    There is no reason for the Preds player to be going where he is going. It’s totally interference. It’s a clear and obvious pick. On the pick he makes direct contact with the head. They stopped the play for God’s sake! So they knew it was a headshot. Should have been 5 minutes but not suspension worthy.

  12. Derfchg

    Dirty as it was a bit of a blindside and also it’s interference

  13. partlycloudy4

    2 minutes for running into a figure skater

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