@Flames de Calgary

Quiz Sporcle : nommez 100 joueurs aléatoires actuels et anciens des Flames de Calgary (15 minutes)

Quiz Sporcle : nommez 100 joueurs aléatoires actuels et anciens des Flames de Calgary (15 minutes)



  1. deadletterauthor

    got a 96, only a few of those I have absolutely no idea who they are.

  2. HotDamnLisaLaFlamme

    Flames legend Louis Domingue

  3. jonos360

    85! Some deep cuts and some guys that made me sad (St. Louis, Giguere)

  4. ReviewyMcReviewface

    85 here, with a few very obvious misses, doh!

  5. ozziesboneyard

    75. There were 2 « Sean’s » and one « shaun » which annoyed me. Blast from the past, though, on a lot of those. Who was the other Ritchie, I didn’t see a Nick or Brett.

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