@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les jets occupent tranquillement la première place à l’ouest. Sont-ils une menace légitime pour remporter la conférence ouest ?

Les jets occupent tranquillement la première place à l’ouest. Sont-ils une menace légitime pour remporter la conférence ouest ?



  1. Pleasant_Heat_1259

    They’re the number one team after 44 games, why wouldn’t they be?

  2. GabeLeRoy

    I think they win it all this year
    Boston vs Jets final

  3. Technical-Gear-3229

    In all honesty, this is super close. Almost any of the top 4 are threats to take it all

  4. Ecstatic-Arachnid-91

    I see Dallas getting back on a roll late. But Winnipeg has a legitimate chance and I wouldn’t mind seeing them go far in the playoffs

  5. StonkersToDaMoon

    Once Colorado gets healthy I think they’ll be favorites to win the WCF

  6. Mediocre-you-14

    What a crazy top 6 compared to what would have been picked pre-season. This is what makes the NHL unique.

  7. JustCapreseSalad

    Jets have been popping off this season. I’m going to the game against them at the Bell Centre on Tuesday night. I’ve got to say, I’m not looking forward to it.

  8. kotakice

    The mid season meltdown could happen again, but I wouldn’t put them under any team other than healthy Colorado and maybe Vegas.

  9. SteakMan43

    You aren’t kidding about quietly. I had no idea they were doing this good until now.

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