@Red Wings de Détroit

#NHL GameScore Impact Card for Detroit Red Wings on 2023-01-16: #LGRW #RedWings

#NHL GameScore Impact Card for Detroit Red Wings on 2023-01-16: #LGRW #RedWings



  1. billypucks

    Hello fellow gluttons for punishment

  2. 72athansiou

    I didn’t watch the game did Walman look good?

  3. Damolisher

    But, but, but, Andrew Copp useless and isn’t any good in spite of being one of our top guys with assists. (/s)

  4. shogun-of-the-dark

    Looks like Moose had a solid game.

  5. Aware-Solution

    they didn’t even play that bad. 3 power plays goals plus a missed call on makars second makes the game pretty hard to win

  6. AmazingSieve

    I know Bertuzzi is a fan favorite but seeing him in person…the guy lacks fucks to give in the d zone

  7. Nbow0429

    i mean, that’s why they’re one of the best. we got dominated. happy Seider’s production has continued, though.

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