@Bruins de Boston

Les Bruins de Boston signent Fabian Lysell pour un contrat d’entrée

Les Bruins de Boston signent le choix de première ronde de 2021 Fabian Lysell pour un contrat d’entrée de gamme. Dans cette vidéo, j’explique pourquoi c’est une excellente décision pour Lysell et l’organisation des Bruins. Je parle également de la façon dont Lysell peut aider l’alignement des Bruins de Providence et comment son passage dans la LAH pourrait l’aider à tenter sa chance dans la LNH à sa première saison, comme l’a fait David Pastrnak.


  1. Certainly good news for B's fans. The sooner he's ready to play for Boston, the better.

  2. I was surprised by this as he was not even at development camp since he did not have the covid vaccine, figured next year at the earliest. This is good news though, I think he needs 2 full years in the AHL, before he makes it with the Bruins.

  3. Whether he ends up being ready to make the jump earlier than we expected or not, this is very very good news. If he excels this year wherever he plays and warrants a look, epic. If he needs more time to develop, that’s fine too and completely expected in the first place. This kid has more than enough raw talent to be molded into an electric NHL player or whatever his timeline may be. Feels good to have that contract inked.

  4. This is great news for both Lysell and the Bruins. Lysell was getting very sheltered minutes in the SHL and his linemates weren’t the best. Excited to see what he could with actual linemates and more minutes per game.

  5. If he should make the Bruins this season….wow. Probably see him after one season in Providence Bruins.

  6. Great job they could also send him to the QMJHL this year … world Juniors will be good for him . The B ‘ s never have any players at that tourney and that is alarming at times… last guy to play for Canada was Studneka in 2019

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