@Ligue nationale de hockey

WOW! Ivan Provorov a refusé de participer à l’échauffement des Flyers ce soir parce que les Flyers portaient des maillots spéciaux pour Pride Night, selon Frank Seravelli

WOW! Ivan Provorov a refusé de participer à l’échauffement des Flyers ce soir parce que les Flyers portaient des maillots spéciaux pour Pride Night, selon Frank Seravelli



  1. Own-Grab-9953

    His choice. Not a great look but not a big deal

  2. Initial-Cut3228

    His choice. Get over yourselves!

  3. BubbaSpanks

    Free speech…his choice….his beliefs….etc

  4. Rawhide20

    Politics, social issues, etc. need to be left out of the game. People have varying beliefs and ideas. Charitable acts and donations should be left to the individual players.

  5. steezinkraken

    I mean forcing someone to do something isn’t good but damn it seems so simple but I guess stand up for what you believe in

  6. ewehrle92

    All the homophobic NHL fans just found their new daddy 🍆

  7. Gunnin91

    Shocker a Russian is against gays..

  8. Quiet_Nectariney

    Lmao it’s just wearing a jersey… people acting like he’s being asked to watch gay porn.

    Edit: For some of you angry closeted people replying to me. He shouldn’t be forced to wear it. It should be an individual choice for players, I agree.

    I’m merely making a commentary on the extreme opinions being shared in this thread.

  9. JC_5_er

    Can anyone explain to me why he’s obligated to or why he should…..?

    As far as I know he’s never said a peep about being against LGBTQ+ so it’s not as if he’s out championing against the community.

    **I’m all for people loving who they want to love**

    Having said that I’m not for forcing beliefs on people who don’t want to be a part of those beliefs.

  10. WobbleWobbleWobble

    He shouldn’t be forced to wear it, but he will be forced to bear the public out lash from his (in my opinion, stupid as hell) decision.

  11. neg_meat_popsicle

    This reminds me of that seinfeld episode about the aids ribbon, kramer participates in the walk but wont wear the ribbon and then everyone attacks him for not wearing the ribbon haha.

  12. 5thStreetCapital

    Hope he also refuses to wear the military warmup jerseys also

  13. Hahaha thats hilarious. The overlords will be very angry he isn’t wearing their uniform.

  14. Var_horsebox

    I understand that everyone has there own right to an opinion as irrational as it may be, but when you sign a multi million dollar contract and they ask you to put on the shirt, you put on the shirt.

  15. Chopemdown_Wardog

    Honestly, who cares? When are we going to get rid of this weird culture where anyone with even a tiny bit of celebrity to their name is expected to uphold every idealistic virtue everyone wants them to have

  16. Frankie_Hardy

    Don’t worry your team sucks shit through a straw with or without your bender ass

  17. lyon810

    Who!?! Who doesn’t want to wear de ribbon!?!

  18. RTS-SOuLS

    scrolling thru the comments just gives me more reasons to just lurk here rather than interact, beliefs are find and dandy and i wont force you to support it, but for gods sake just wear a jersey for like 30 minutes at least? im glad MOST of the comments werent just blatant homophobia, but rather people using logic to justify his acts, but there still are some that arent and they are usually the loudest.

  19. ExcellentAverage8058

    Not everyone has to agree with everything. Isn’t that the freedom we have anymore?

  20. quinnbeast

    BREAKING: Ivan Provorov inadvertently comes out as gay.

  21. TangoTheMango30

    He’s free todo what he wants and we’re free to criticize him.

    That’s how free speech works

  22. VastPositive3254

    The issue is Torts said he never thought to bench him for sitting out warmups. Torts also said he would bench anyone who protested the national anthem. Thats a little hypocritical.

  23. dumberthenhelooks

    Phillys moto is fuck around and find out. Curious what the find out is gonna be

  24. snacksryan

    If he doesn’t want to wear it he doesn’t have to wear it. What’s the big deal?

  25. greyone75

    “We are all wearing the ribbon! So why aren’t *you* going to wear the ribbon?” “This is America! I don’t have to wear anything I don’t wanna wear!”

  26. Vampyr_Luver

    Well kids, remember to sort this post by controversial

  27. USAJourneyman

    I thought we liked diversity?

    Isn’t that just diversity of opinion?

  28. lostcitysaint

    I cannot stand the people in this thread asking why stuff like this needs to exist. Queer folks are ostracized and made to feel like they don’t belong in like, eeeeeeeeeverything. Inclusion is so important for so many groups. It’s telling people that there is a place for them in the sport we all love.

    Marginalized groups will sadly continue to be marginalized. But if a gay person can find hockey and in it, a reason to feel part of something, then that’s all good vibes to me.

    Once people stop being hateful assholes who’ll try to dictate what LGBTQ+ people do with their lives, and also stop trying to fucking kill them, maybe then we don’t need to do pride jerseys for warm ups. Until then, just remember it’s 2023 and get your head out of your fucking asses.

  29. ChuckWallace987

    Haha! If you kids are surprised at this you probably wouldn’t wanna hear Gordie Howe’s opinion about the alphabet crowd.

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