@Sabres de Buffalo

Discussion d’après-match : Sabres de Buffalo contre Blackhawks de Chicago – 17 janvier 2023

Les Sabres perdent : 3 – 4 OT




  1. UncleOrton

    Yeah really no excuse for that one

  2. BillytheBrassBall

    Christ alive this is agonizing

  3. MinerKing13

    Looks like Mitts may have finished that one for them

  4. barffolemeow

    They better wake TF up for Miller night.

    such a shit 3rd period.

  5. xBialyOrzel

    You cannot lose to the worst team in the league when you’re up by two. You have to make a change here. And no I’m not hearing « Oh we got goalied » anymore. **Make. A. Change.**

  6. My hope for the playoffs is quickly disappearing 😭

  7. 3rdEyeJoker

    This is what I get for getting my hopes up once again

  8. Icommentoncrap

    Game was literally the opposite of our 4-3 OT win earlier this year

  9. Kinger86

    Can the refs be the first star of the game? There was quite a few holds on Chicago that were not called.

  10. metalexca

    ‘I hope 37 scores the game winner in OT!’ – monkey’s paw curls.

  11. original_flapjack

    Mitts with the game winning goal… checks notes. For Chi. JFC

  12. Tsujimoto3

    Do teams still get bag skated?

    Because you should get bag skated after that game.

  13. Sabres8127

    Dropped the game in the third, this used to be our best period. What is happening?

  14. VGTGreatest

    please leave casey in chicago

    i do not care that he has 4 decent shifts sometimes and every now and again looks like he belongs in the NHL, he makes me furious a dozen times a game. he’s not the only reason we lost this game or the only problem with the team but I’m more than ready to mix things up and give another player those minutes

  15. callMEmrPICKLES

    What has happened to this team, this is the energy of the 8 game losing streak all over again

  16. CornerNo2889

    Defeat from the jaws of victory

  17. ericsando

    Just when people started saying the Sabres were fixed and ready to make a run at a playoff spot, they turn into every Sabres team from the last 10 years. Shut out by Philly last week, beat by lowly Chicago this week.

  18. Rated_PG-Squirteen

    The entire Sabres team can fuck off, but especially Casey Mittelstadt. I never want to see that fucking bum play another game for this team. Why is someone who can’t even skate playing 3×3 to begin with?

  19. slightlyuglyboss

    Anything good from this game is not worth talking about because of the bad shit they pulled. This team cannot grind

  20. This team needs to learn how to hold on to a damn lead or they won’t go anywhere anytime soon.

  21. CitgoBeard

    I hate this because I see these flashes of light from dudes like Olofsson, Tommer, and Mitts and then we screw the pooch from the second on. It’s not even good hockey, it’s just a nightmare.

    EDIT: also shoot the fucking puck, make your passes, and stop trying to be cute on net. I can’t count the number of drop backs to no one.

  22. the_missing_worker

    By the math, Comrie has next start.

    How you feel about that?

  23. Dr3aMWeav3r

    The worst team in hockey comes back on you in the third? Yeah, you’re not playoff bound. Thank you Kevyn for standing pat and seeing through that mirage that was December. Fucking having a bad time

  24. DenverCoder009

    I was wrong yesterday we are terrible. hit me with the 100% doomer flair mods

  25. Son_Of_The_Empire

    Fucking Casey mittelstadt

  26. twick_23

    How does Mittelstadt skate all the way back and not tie up Jones’ stick? What’s the point of hustling back if you’re just gonna coast next to him?

  27. puffypigeon16

    What a joke. Pissing away yet another season after a promising start. Do something. Also why tf do we need to carry 3 goalies? I’m sure Anderson is a nice guy but come on.

  28. dumbforfree

    Lost 4 of the last 5, really disappointing and it’s not going to get any easier than this.

    Losses this year to the likes of the ‘Yotes, ‘Nucks, Sens x2, and now the Hawks.. pretty painful for a team pushing for relevance.

    Edit: Add the Flyers to that list of non playoff teams

  29. edit-the-sad-parts

    second goal was a crock of shit but if one bad call on a goal against is all it takes against a team like Chicago you deserved it

  30. Mitts is so frustrating to watch as well.

  31. adolce95

    Not sure how I’m supposed to go to bed after that. Fucking brutal loss.

  32. EPCOT_Is_My_Favorite

    Why the hell do we just skate in circles in OT? I thought we kicked that to the curb with Eichel?

  33. slightlyuglyboss

    Krebs and Mitts should switch places in the lineup. Krebs has played better

  34. CNYMetroStar

    Miller night is my playoffs. Because the actual thing isn’t going to happen. Looks like it’s Groundhog Day…..again….

  35. ActiveWonder223

    This team is special though.. never ceases to amaze me how multiple times in the past decade we will just hit a stretch of good hockey just long enough until the national media guys decide we are for real. Then just as soon as the national guys acknowledge us being a legit team again, man they just drop that **** like it’s hot.

  36. Basher255

    This defense is so bad. The offense is going to go through funks, it’s a long season, at stone point the defense needs to step up. You can’t expect Tage to get 80 goals and for the team to score 5+ every game. No reason why we shouldn’t be able to win with 3 goals.

    Why in the hell are guys constantly standing in bothered in front of our net. It happens all the time. Nobody as any ability to play the man as well, constantly puck reaching, especially in front our net. And why in the hell do we allow guys to just fly into the zone wide open like on the first goal. How can people routinely get lost in their assignments like that? My only hope is that these things improve with experience for the youngest team in the league

  37. carl-swagan

    Welp I’m glad I missed this one. Playoffs are looking less and less likely but I’m taking solace in the fact that they’ve still improved *massively* over last year. They’re still one of the youngest teams in the league and things will only continue to get better from here, but god damn if it still doesn’t suck to see them blow a lead against one of the worst teams in the league.

    I’m not sure exactly what the root of this inconsistency is but I hope they can figure it out.

  38. I just had an argument in this Subreddit about how we need to improve in the offseason and I was downvoted by a dude that said « things should stay pretty much the same. »

    Yeah, okay.


    It’s so quiet… gotta love it

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