@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Seravalli] On dit qu’Ivan Provorov des #Flyers n’a pas participé aux échauffements ce soir parce qu’il a refusé de porter le maillot Pride Night émis par l’équipe, célébrant la communauté LGTBQ +. Les Flyers ont fait le commentaire suivant. Provorov devrait être disponible pour les médias après le match.

[Seravalli] On dit qu’Ivan Provorov des #Flyers n’a pas participé aux échauffements ce soir parce qu’il a refusé de porter le maillot Pride Night émis par l’équipe, célébrant la communauté LGTBQ +. Les Flyers ont fait le commentaire suivant. Provorov devrait être disponible pour les médias après le match.



  1. Perryplat199

    This’ll be Intersting. Has provorov ever made his political stances public. I could see him, not being as big as ovechkin, being worryied about the fedetov situation and what happened to panarian last year.

    Edit: I do not agree with his decision and he could really just not want to support Pride at all.

  2. Mundane_Trifle1015

    You can’t catch gay from a jersey Ivan

  3. Matt_Micko

    Somehow his personality is worse than his play.

    Or maybe he thought it was pride as in, « pride in his play » and felt it was only fair to sit out warm ups since he doesn’t have any?

  4. idsaluteyoubub

    Jesus fucking Christ. Please, give us more reasons to stop watching this shitheel team. We didn’t have enough already.

  5. EarthBelcher

    Provy just keeps coming off as a bigger asshole as time goes on.

  6. AlonsoFerrari8

    Who the fuck cares? He didn’t shove it in anyone’s face. He didn’t kneel during the anthem. He wasn’t on the ice.

  7. Mason_35

    Couldn’t just make it to the trade deadline could you…

  8. saycheese95

    Pack your shit Provy. Even TDA wore the damn jersey lol

  9. AristaAchaion

    hasn’t he worn pride stuff before? why tonight is it suddenly imperative to his religion?

  10. TwoForHawat

    Provorov apparently turns into a whiny little bitch at the thought of a man behind him, just like he turns into a whiny little bitch at the thought of a man in front of him on the depth chart.

  11. ThePalmIsle

    This thread is hilarious and predictable

  12. msivoryishort

    I’m sure this comment section will remain sane and civil 😑

  13. Slipperylittleguy

    Shouldn’t be forced to wear it if he doesn’t want to.

  14. Micksar

    It was easier for everyone when “sudden diarrhea” was still on the table as a potential reason.

  15. ValuablePea8993

    Hasn’t he worn it in pride nights in the past though??

  16. vwchris11

    Datsyuk dodged this era but he’d be doing the same. Props for standing up for what you believe in and this is a free country but I don’t support him in this.

  17. lyonbc1

    He’s thankfully reversed his stance but considering Tortorellas past comments on players kneeling during the anthem and benching them and giving them the 3rd degree, it’s hilarious Provorov was just allowed to do this shit and go against the rest of the team for wearing a jersey for 10 mins and just play in the game as if everything is normal.

  18. Clbengel

    Couldn’t be bothered to be a decent human being. Even more unfathomable that the team didn’t see a problem with letting him dress. This organization continues to drop the ball over and over again.

  19. icydaddyrich

    Devils fan checking in, love seeing that most people here are reasonable and that the blatant homophobes are exposing themselves. Provorov is such a shithead.

  20. Fig_Newton_

    Exhibit #1804792894 that Russia is a backwards country

  21. BetterCallStral

    I disagree with Torts’ choice to let Provorov play, but it should be noted:

    (1) Players in the past have skipped « optional » pride gear like pride tape and no coach caught flack for letting the player play in that situation. Torts could have easily just told the equipment guys to get Provorov his regular jersey so he won’t miss warm ups, but it feels like Torts tried the « well you aren’t warming up then » line and Ivan just shrugged.

    (2) Provorov has been in the rumour mill as a trade target recently iirc. It’s January and the Flyers are sellers. This might not be a coaching level only decision.

  22. OutlandishnessNo1950

    The guys a workhorse but I’ve never liked his attitude/personality. Sour. Also, fuck Russia.

  23. TeddyBearHugz

    All I’ve gotten from this thread is that Flyers2013312 REALLY hates gay people

  24. Gr8tescape85

    I’m just here for the comments

  25. Dont_Call_Me_John

    Another thing that makes it easier to have much less of a vested emotional interest in this loathsome franchise. Go ahead and submit that trade request, shithead

  26. 2LargePizzas

    Wild Torts would have no problem bencning someone for protesting racial inequality, but no issue letting a homphobic bigot play after the player protests lgbtq rights.

    Same dude who vehemently defended Tony Deangelo’s past too…hmmmmm I’m sensing a pattern here!

  27. DH28Hockey

    Just incredibly disappointing. Inexcusable, asshole behavior from a player I long considered to be one of my favorites on the team.

    Time to get this guy the fuck out of Philadelphia

  28. didyoueverseewardogs

    Hm, strange that his beliefs keep him from pride related warm ups but not from sucking dick all year

  29. phllystyl

    Fuck that guy. I’d say trade him but he’s also not that great at the hockey right now

  30. phosmonaut

    Provy can eat shit. What a fucking loser. Can’t be off this team soon enough.

  31. I have to admit, I never thought there was a chance I could dislike a player on this roster more than Tony DeAngelo.

    Bravo, Provy.

    Given how immature he’s been acting in press conferences and has been rumored to be in the locker room, I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks he’s forcing the team’s hand on the trade with this little tantrum.

  32. Ice9Beats

    The flyers should auction off the jersey he refused to wear and donate the money to an LGBTQ+ organization. Would be a nice ironic outcome for that homophobe.

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