@Flyers de Philadelphie

Un joueur bigot de la LNH met sa haine au-dessus de son équipe

Ivan Provorov des Flyers de Philadelphie a refusé de porter les maillots Pride Night de son équipe qui étaient censés être vendus aux enchères après le match, l’entraîneur John Tortorella défendant les actions de son joueur. Rick Strom le décompose. Donnez-nous votre avis dans les commentaires ci-dessous ! Rick Strom TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@rickstrom TWITTER : https://twitter.com/rickstrom INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/rickystrom FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook. com/StromRick Suivez TYT Sports sur Facebook ! https://www.facebook.com/TYTsports TYT Sports – l’une des émissions sportives les plus dynamiques sur YouTube – arrive sur Tune In ! Nous couvrons tous les derniers besoins de savoir NBA, NFL, MMA, World Football [soccer] et des nouvelles de dernière heure spécialement conçues pour les jeunes fans de sport avertis et avertis de la culture pop. Abonnez-vous aujourd’hui et préparez-vous à devenir accro. #TYTsports #Sports #RickStrom


  1. Brandon Burke son of longtime hockey executive Brian Burke died in a car accident it was part of the lgbtq community in the hockey community. You can play it's a foundation started by the Burke family after Brandon's after he died in a car accident to stop homophobia in sports

  2. wait i dont understand, i know his religions belief on homosexuality is extreme but that is still part of his religion. Attack his religion and not the player. You always ask to not have other ppl force their beliefs so why are you forcing ur beliefs on this player? I always agree on things u fight for but i truly dont understand you on this. this does not make him a non team player for not joining them on what he does not believe in. its not even about the game. why is this event being forced on him by pressuring him. I thought we all had the right to choose.

  3. I'm so proud im white and straight. Can everyone hear that in the back. Stop stuffing it down people's throats. So gay

  4. I am very disturbed by this. Not in the way that you probably think though. Why is he considered a hater just because he doesn’t agree with them?!! I don’t agree with them neither. I don’t hate them, I just don’t agree with them. Actually I see more hate coming from them than I see from most people that disagree with them. You want me & people that feel the way I feel to change the way we feel, yet you don’t feel the need to change the way you feel. You feel you are right, I feel I am right. Everybody is not going to agree on everything!!! So my disagreeing with you does not make me a hater. I love you, but you’re the one that’s hating on me just because I don’t agree with you!!! That’s kinda bigoted to me. And yes I am a Christian & I am a Democrat!!! I agree you have a right to live your life as you please, just like I do!!! So please accept me as you want me to accept you!!! Once again, I DO NOT HATE YOU!!! I JUST DON’T AGREE WITH YOU!!!

  5. Hatred??? Enough of this woke shit. The only thing these professional athletes should we do this standing for our flags. When is military appreciation night? When is being straight appreciation night? Nope we can't have that. He did nothing wrong.. I bet 98% of the players on the ice did not want to wear any pride gear but they are to worry about the fall out or losing there sponsors.

  6. I’m a big supporter of our LBGTQ+ community. But I realize not everyone is at the same support level as me.
    The player never said he hates gay people, he never said gay people are worthless, he never said anything negative about his teammates who did participate, all he said is that he didn’t want to wear pride stuff because it’s against his religion.
    Can we go at his religion for being close-minded? Sure. Can we talk about the owners hypocrisy about standing for the anthem? Absolutely.
    But going after a player for not wanting to wear something he’s not comfortable wearing is a bridge too far for me.
    Say he was told if he didn’t wear it he couldn’t play, what does that accomplish? He still wouldn’t support the cause. And forcing people into beliefs will push them away from supporting it. Giving him grief for having a bigoted religion will do nothing but push him into a corner and harden his resolve.

    The best way to get people to change their views is not to force them on them under the threat of punishment. People have to change their views naturally and videos like this only make more bigots. But it seems with either extreme on the left or the right, that is the ultimate goal. It’s never to change minds, it’s to create battle-lines.

    This kind of crap is what increases division in our culture.

  7. The comments here are absurd. If your "religion" says you have to hate anyone who is gay, maybe your religion is the issue.

    Let's face reality here too, if Jesus were alive he would be APPALLED by the behavior of these so called followers. So much for loving thy neighbor…

  8. If Hockey is for everyone then why have a special night for one group? Just curious.. what night is Heterosexual night?

  9. Support the sinners so they don’t feel bad about their sins. I’m not religious but I really hope the apocalypse comes soon. I think it would be entertaining to watch these godless creatures beg and plead to an unwavering entity for their souls. Homosexuality is the first sign of society’s death. Low birth rates, infertility, unnecessary violence among a race of animals always happens before they all die off. Why watch about universe 25 when all you need to do is watch the news.

  10. Okay all you haters, here’s a fact for you…paid sports depends on fans. I know you will find this hard to believe but YOU are in the minority here. MOST people are accepting of everyone and don’t really care about sexual orientation or ethnicity. So if you or a professional athlete chooses their own beliefs over others that is totally YOUR choice.

  11. How about let the Heterosexuals and the gays come to the games every night and not make a big deal about it.

  12. Gay people being slaughtered all over the world but you worry yourselves with a man who wont wear a jersey? If your too scared to focus on bigger issues then your the real cowards

  13. So he can't be a decent human or do his job because of his religion 🤣

  14. Being true to himself means hating others for simply being true to themselves… nuff said

  15. So, Should NBA players be forced to wear Confederate flag stickers on their jerseys? I have no problem with gay people, but you can't force someone else's lifestyle on another person. Especially if he or she is not comfortable with it

  16. The man is doing his job he takes pride in that…leave the man alone..if you want to be gay be gay at home not on the the game..or in the stands

  17. Like Kapernick, his protest hurt no one..I'm not defending the guy…but if he chose not to participate and he feels it's against his religion then leave him alone. You have an entire political party in America(not all of them) who pass laws against the very community your talking about.. His coach is a joke and and has no credibility..the question to him should have been do you owe Kap an apology, then u would have seen him say , "Well what he did was different" Don't buy the Hockey pucks Jersey, don't follow him on Social Media and un-follow him if you do.

  18. Bigot?! What are you taking about clown. Good for him for being true to himself.

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