@Ligue nationale de hockey

Mike Matheson écope d’une amende de 5 000 $

Mike Matheson écope d’une amende de 5 000 $



  1. lordmarboo13

    At most, it’s interference. That’s it

  2. DietofHops

    Under normal circumstances this should probably just be a penalty but this fine almost feels like the DoPS is trying to rectify a blatant missed call by the refs that could lead to some dangerous plays if not checked.

    I desperately want that to be the case but it seems far too sensible and self-aware for this league… so this is probably just one of those rare wheel spins that kinda makes sense.

  3. Falcon3492

    I can’t believe he didn’t receive a penalty on the play for interference. Where is the NHL getting their referees these days, out in front of the arenas on game days? The few games I have watched this year, the officiating has been beyond terrible! If it’s a penalty CALL IT!

  4. Rchap88

    So officials missed another penalty that was bad enough for dops to issue a fine….. does the league seriously not see a problem with the state of the officiating?

  5. AMSopticX

    How about a fine/pay deduction for every referee on the ice. Sounds a bit more of an accurate analysis.

  6. uggh-daddy-please

    I used to do this in nhl 13

  7. NoHead7349

    That is a weak ass call…if it was the forward doing the check it’s ok?? D man is anticipating the hit and only difference is that the F wasn’t expecting it and the puck is right there, with in reach


    Thing is if he delayed that hit by 0.2 seconds Stall was going to reach for the puck and at that point he’s free game. yes missed call sure why are we fining the player? I wouldn’t call that a dangerous play, he simply caught stall while he wasn’t expecting it due to Stall not having touched the puck this is no Paul Kariya/Stevens open ice hit. It was chest to chest Stall just ran into a brick wall as Matheson pulled up in what I would consider a medium speed collision.

  9. TheToddFatheer

    Referees should be fined. Zero excuse to miss that interference call.

  10. Interference? Absolutely. Deserving a fine? Come on, really? No.

  11. JustCapreseSalad

    Refs should’ve called the textbook case of goalie interference last night as well. The fact that counted as a goal was utter bs.

  12. camgary95

    $5,000 is pocket change to him. It does suck but these things happen more often than not.

  13. Sufficient-Comb-2755

    That’s just a pre-emptive strike.

  14. StonerStarsFan44

    It is obvious interference but, if the Montreal guy touched the puck first, it would be fair game. Right? Or am I wrong about that? Cause he was so close!

  15. prefinality

    I feel if Matheson reaches the puck and then performs the hit it’s okay but by hitting prior to even reaching the puck, it should be a penalty for interference

  16. decent_in_bed

    I don’t get the point of a fine like that. He makes 4 mil a year, if he made 75k like an average person he’s being fined 93 bucks. Whats the point?

  17. zestymordante

    The League is going to shit. Refs need to do better.

  18. yommymommytoona

    Why do they have blue jerseys? That cant be mtl

  19. MochiSauce101

    If it wasn’t Matheson it would have just been a penalty

  20. RicerX-16

    Anyone see this clip with MTL broadcast lauding how great of a reverse hit this was? Interesting how the FLA is markedly different here.

  21. TheAsdfDude

    Fines do nothing to change things.

  22. inchrnt

    Is the reverse hit a legal play or interference?

    Peter Forsberg highlights are filled with reverse hits and he’s celebrated for them.

    Head contact shouldn’t be legal in any hit.

  23. FellSorcerer

    Fined for a delivering a clean hit.

    Good job, NHL.

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