@Flyers de Philadelphie

L’analyste de la LNH TOMBE à un tout nouveau creux avec cette attaque grossière

L’ancre de NHL Network, EJ Hradek, s’est prononcée en ondes contre le joueur des Flyers de Philadelphie Ivan Provorov d’une manière horriblement désagréable après avoir cité ses croyances religieuses orthodoxes russes comme raison pour refuser de porter un chandail d’échauffement sur le thème de la fierté. Rick Strom le décompose. Donnez-nous votre avis dans les commentaires ci-dessous ! Rick Strom TIKTOK : https://www.tiktok.com/@rickstrom TWITTER : https://twitter.com/rickstrom INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/rickystrom FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook. com/StromRick Suivez TYT Sports sur Facebook ! https://www.facebook.com/TYTsports TYT Sports – l’une des émissions sportives les plus dynamiques sur YouTube – arrive sur Tune In ! Nous couvrons tous les derniers besoins de savoir NBA, NFL, MMA, World Football [soccer] et des nouvelles de dernière heure spécialement conçues pour les jeunes fans de sport avertis et avertis de la culture pop. Abonnez-vous aujourd’hui et préparez-vous à devenir accro. #TYTsports #Sports #RickStrom


  1. As much as I don't agree with Provorov's views, he has a right to them. Just like Kaepernick had a right to express his views. You can't be hypocritical and say one is wrong and the other is right. They're both right when it comes to their beliefs.

  2. "Shut up and Skate"? This why both sides are a joke. You are all clowns who think they're the right side. How about you let others decide. So what if he didn't want to join in? How does a hockey player's opinion matter to anyone about this topic? I'm so glad back in the day that we didn't have to know everyone's political views. I just enjoyed cheering on my teams and players. Social media has ruined the world. Ha.

  3. What's wrong with having your own opinion? Your own beliefs? Your own stance? If you support those who feel that they're able to change their gender, then you can support those who feel that you cannot. Two things can be true. We can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.

  4. Thanks to pencil-neck talking heads like "E.J." and some feminine dweeb named Sid, Ivan Provorov has gained Connor McDavid-like popularity overnight.

    Lifelong Ranger fan here awaiting the arrival of my first Philly Flyers jersey. And wearing it to MSG with "pride."

  5. This is AMERICA. Freedom of SPEECH is a RIGHT. In fact it’s a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The FIRST AMENDMENT, that in itself is POWERFUL. James Madison wrote the First Amendment, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, The PRESS, RELIGION, ASSEMBLY and to REDRESS UR GOVERNMENT

  6. He didn't disagree with "Pride Night", he just chose to not participate in it…………… big difference

  7. What’s the lefts side talking point about “safe spaces”. Dude told him to go to his safe place. What lame piece.

  8. Totally not the same. You want to be prejudice or discriminatory, I don’t care if you’re from here or not. He’s right. Leave. I’m so tired of how these people can treat us and how they have every religious reason to do so but we can’t be just as crappy back. Over it.

  9. This commentator needs to be fired. He’s the one with the hateful heart, he’s the one that is a bigot

  10. How did this move from NHL to Trump and why do you care? Weren't you the one that called the hockey player a bigot and pounced on his religion?

  11. Here's an idea, we respect his right to practice his religion and leave him alone. This forced conformity to a narrow point of view is the start of censorship and ends with a facist nation. So what if he doesn't want to wear a rainbow jersey. Why tf does anyone care? He is not spewing hate, inciting violence or threatening anyone. Respect his constitutional rights and agree to disagree. We live in such a weird time where the privileges we enjoy as Americans are so accommodating that feelings are now more important than our rights. It's ok not to agree about everything with everyone as long as you're not physically hurting anyone.

  12. You sht on the player and now you sht on the analyst shting on him? So who's shting in your cornflakes

  13. Great hockey documentaries about Russia everyone should watch The Russian Five, the Red Army and the red penguin the sports minister the last couple years they wanted to put in a law that every two-player wouldn't be able to play in the NHL who is under the age of 30 so Alex Ovechkin would have to come back to play spray KHL team and and be put in the army

  14. Such a shame. This seemed like a perfect opportunity for a learning moment in public.

  15. hockey looks like the next on the woke chopping block the last real men sport and these people just cant have that i stand by him he didnt say he hates gay people he just ant going to let you tell him how to belive or act he should have just say he wont be playing because he hurt a body part and is in pain so im going to be sitting this one out come hockey players join and fight for your sport because if you dont you will lose so many fans and other people who enjoy watching men be men

  16. Some guy named Toto roto rooter said sumthin naughty about Kap and that's guaranteed to put Rickys undies in a bundle !!…. 😲

  17. He doesn't have to support something THAT GOD-JESUS IS CLEARLY AGAINST, just Like GOD-JESUS IS AGAINST All ungodliness and sin. Romans 1:18-32
    1 Corinthians 6:9-10
    JESUS Died On The Cross, And Rose Again To Save Us from Our sins, not to stay in them and perish and go to Hell. Mark 9:44
    2 Peter 3:8-9
    Ask GOD for forgiveness of your sins And That You Accept JESUS As Your LORD AND SAVIOR Because You Believe That JESUS Died On The Cross for Your sins and the sin of the World. Romans 10:9-13
    John 1:29
    GOD-JESUS IS THE ONLY ONE WHO WILL LOVE Us FOR ETERNITY, the devil doesn't. Jeremiah 31:3
    John 10:10

  18. Didn't you put a video out yesterday calling out Provorov for not participating in the warm-up with pride gear and agreeing with a statement that said he's hiding behind religion to promote his bigotry and that his religion is a "steaming pile of blank" and also agreeing that he should not be allowed to play? If you could, please explain the difference between denying him the privilege to play hockey, which is his profession and the ONLY reason he came to the US, and denying him the privilege to stay in your extremely homophobic country? Sounds like the same thing to me. How many minds have been expanded at the threat of losing their livelihood or by calling their religion sh it? I would guess about the same number as those threatened with expulsion from a country. Hypocrite much?

  19. That so called "analyst" from. NHL network, is a moron who clearly doesn't appreciate the country he lives in. You should never have to wear a jersey or patch supporting gay people. Why are we celebrating who people have sex with in the first place? Why does it matter?

  20. Hiding behind religion is cowardly and you see on his face there, he knows it

  21. Using a magical sky daddy to justify your bigotry is cowardly and transparent to anyone with 2 brain cells.

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