@Devils du New Jersey

Les NJ Devils vont-ils échanger contre Timo Meier ?

Dans cette vidéo, je discute si les Devils du New Jersey peuvent échanger contre l’attaquant vedette des Sharks de San Jose Timo Meier. Avec la récente victoire 4-3 des NJ Devils en fusillade contre les Sharks de San Jose, j’ai regardé de près l’attaquant des Sharks Timo Meier et j’ai aimé ce que j’ai vu. À l’approche de la date limite des échanges dans la LNH, les équipes chercheront à améliorer leur alignement et les NJ Devils sont dans une position privilégiée pour le faire. Avec le besoin criant d’un bon attaquant pour jouer aux côtés de Jack Hughes, les Devils ont les atouts et l’espace de plafond disponibles l’année prochaine pour le faire. Qu’est-ce que cela coûtera d’acquérir l’attaquant, selon ce que Mike Grier veut pour le défenseur vedette Erik Karlsson avec 3 choix de première ronde, cela coûtera-t-il au directeur général Tom Fitzgerald de ne pas regarder Meier pour ses services. #newjerseydevils #timomeier #njdevils #sanjosesharks #jackhughes Suivez-moi sur Tik Tok @ HockeySkatedown Suivez-moi sur Twitter @ The Hockey Skatedown @TSkatedown Suivez-moi sur Instagram @ thehockeyskatedown Suivez-moi sur Facebook @ hockey skatedown Suivez une autre chaîne YouTube @ The Superhero Scene Images utilisées en vidéo avec Fair Use. L’utilisation équitable est une doctrine de la loi des États-Unis qui permet une utilisation limitée de matériel protégé par le droit d’auteur sans avoir à obtenir au préalable l’autorisation du détenteur du droit d’auteur.


  1. Great video…I agree, get this guy!! I actually think adding Severson will help solve an issue for the off season. He will ask for more $ than he should get from NJ and I would rather sign Graves anyway. When Marino returns, we won’t miss him anyway!!

  2. I don't think the Devils will get Timo Meier. The Devils aren't going for rentals & they aren't going to re-sign him because they have to re-sign Bratt & that would take up a lot of cap space if they signed both of them, even with a lot of contracts coming off the books. And I don't think they will trade Holtz, either.

  3. Timo is literally my dream target. He may be expensive to get. But he'd be worth it. Exactly the kind of player the devils need in the top 6. Heard on Seravallis podcast the rangers want him. DO NOT LET THAT HAPPEN

  4. I read today about a potential trade for Adam Henrique. I would like this a lot. Henrique would bring veteran leadership, clutch play, and add another very good face-off man. This would give us
    4 very good to excellent face-off guys in McLeod, Nico, Haula, and then Henrique. I could see Henrique playing a role somewhat similar to Palat, a steadying influence, etc. Very interesting. What do you guys think?

  5. This really hinges on Holtz being the guy Grier wants and there even being a roster player he is interested in. The realistic roster players may not be in Grier's wheelhouse. Without Holtz, I don't see it happening– but even more so the the roster player they want could really be more along the lines of Mercer and not Sharongovich. If SJ is going into a full re-build starting with landing Bedard or Fantilli, they may want younger than 24 or someone they feel has value they can flip again for more draft assets. So I am not sure Sharongovich is the guy. They may take Severson to flip him to another team, he could prob grab them another first round pick, but even then I am not sure. Also worth note that all this doesn't happen in a vacuum and so other teams will throw their hat in the ring as well.

  6. Honestly, I’m ok with not getting Meier. If we are going to trade for Meier, do it on draft day where his value will sink and get a better gauge of his asking price. His QO is also 10 million and negotiating with 2 RFAs in the offseason is going to be a nightmare. Lastly, I don’t want a John Tavares situation where you bring in a big cap hit and not being able to sign quality depth and young players like Mercer.

    I know I’m in the minority here. I know the Devils just got out of a rebuild and are looking for what’s next, but I’m just not ready to start shipping off important futures.

  7. Meier is a Tkachuk-like unicorn. Appreciate your realistic take on what we'd have to give up.

  8. I don’t think there is any chance that deal gets done without Nemec included.

  9. Timo would be a great addition for about 7.5 mil a year , not 10 . Bratt deserves similar contract . Don’t trade Graves ( league leader in +/- ) , trade Severson ( quite the opposite for years ) . I like Yegor but he doesn’t possess that “nastyness” valued in playoffs , so package him or/and Holtz . 1st round pick and a prospect on top of that might make a deal . Still unlikely because someone will overpay ( like Florida did in Tkachuk trade )

  10. I can't see the Sharks letting him go without a serious player in return, like Nemec or Mercer. Even with Mercer you are likely adding Holtz. Sharangovich, Bahl, Boqvist, Zetterlund are all fringe prospects in the eyes of other teams. Can't see the idea of getting Severson to have to turn around and make another deal too appealing. I would prefer Lawson Crouse. Probably get him for a lot less and he has the size, speed, toughness, grit and talent to throw beside Hughes and make his life a lot easier.

  11. Excellent analysis. I'm hard pressed to find anything to disagree with (and I'm notorious for doing that). As usual, boils down to what it would cost to get him, and can they sign him long term? He's an excellent player, and would be a great fit with the Devils. Tempting to say just go for it, whatever it takes, but GM's have to think both short and long term, cap issues etc. If they can't land Meier, then maybe focus on Tarasenko as Plan "B".

  12. Definitely would like Meier in the Top 6. He seems to do a little bit of everything and would be great alongside Jack or Nico at LW. At the moment I think this would be more of an offseason move perhaps before or at the draft. Our first round pick in this draft, one of our younger forwards, one of prospect defensemen I feel would have to be included in the deal.

  13. I think Horvat would be a better option, need somebody to win face offs

  14. i dont want this guy…who cares if he is swiss…he cost too much

  15. Is it time now to acknowledge what a Lou Lamoriello-like job Fitzy has done? to me, this
    guy is one of the best front-office minds in hockey. we are lucky to have him.

  16. I think no matter who NJ offers in return, the money Meier wants will be more than Fitz will be willing to pay. We still have no idea what is happening with Bratt's contract either. Yeah of course I'd be fully stoked to see Henrique back so I could wear my lucky #14 Jersey again, but they already got Palat for a leadership role and he has the cups. Plus Adam is already 30. If they could get him for a bargain I think they would do it and the fans would be happy to get one of the heroes from the last championship run back on the ice. I think they will use their money on a guaranteed 20 goal scorer guy. Severson has been really kicking A lately and more consistently but he's going to want big bucks and we have D depth right now. Lots of really good comments on this post…

  17. Devils need size/gritty players to compete in the playoffs. While I like Bratt he's invisible when it comes to contact on the forecheck or protecting Hischier/Hughes. They desperately need a top 6 forward like Meier and a gritty bottom 6 player. No way they can afford both Bratt and Meier without severely limiting other needs in the lineup for years to come. Mercer is an important piece to sign in a couple years.

  18. Ball & Holtz are expendable as are many of the bottom forwards.
    This is a move NJ should deeply consider. Also reuniting all the Hughes brothers should be seriously considered. Q just started speaking out about clownshow Canucks organization so anything is possible

  19. Great analysis. You make a good point for Meier and there's no doubting his skill/numbers. However, to pay him $9-$10MM going forward is a problem. I'd rather chase Brook Boeser as a strong second-line wing. Boeser's signed for $6.65MM for three more years which is much more palatable. I'd trade Holtz/Yegor/Boquvist (pick 2 of the 3), Bahl and a #1 for Boeser who'll be around for 3 years.

  20. Timo is the guy I've wanted for years now, I actually wanted us to draft he or Rantanen instead of Zacha but that's when we still had Conte ruining all our drafts. However I think it might be smartest to hold off till the off-season/draft to trade for Timo. Adding him I think is going a little too "All in" maybe a bit too quickly. Im not willing to give up on Holtz just yet and I have to point this out. Yes he is on San Jose, but he's playing with great players and has Karlsson/Hertl to work with at least and he's only got 25 goals. That's only 5 more than Nico and Timo is supposed to be/considered an elite goal scorer. I'd imagine his goal total would be higher in Jersey, our PP would be far more lethal but this would take a lot of assets to bring him in. Considering they would be much more affordable as well as more versatile up and down our lineup I think bringing Henrique back and adding Boeser would be two, low key, low risk/high reward moves. Boeser is believed to be extremely affordable, rumors are that Vancouver may even have to basically pay someone to take his cap off their hands. That's added goal scoring we need. & Henrique, he's a Swiss army knife with over 800 games played, clutch playoff performer, 53+% on Faceoffs, brings grit, 2 way play, he can literally play on any line and is great on special teams, also has 15 goals this seaon on a garbage ducks team, his underlying stats are extremely solid and dont forget, he plays with Zegras and Terry, the Ducks 2 most dynamic players. Making 5.8m, if Anaheim can retain as much as 1.8 that's an extremely solid deal to bring back fan favorite RICO! Maybe the big season for Graeme Clarke in Utica makes him a solid trade chip.

  21. Trading Sevo at the deadline ain't happening, then we would have to add a cheap veteran dman with playoff experience. Can't just rely on Nemec and Hughes. I want him gone but doesn't seem realistic

  22. We have a chance to play deep into the playoffs. We need to make that move, like we did with Kovalchuk and go all in.. between our core bring healthy and playing great, these chances don’t happen often to go all the way! I know we can go all the way! Let’s go all in and pull the trigger and give Hughes a sniper!I like Holtz but if we need to move him to get an immediate impact player like Meier, do it

  23. I dunno, Meier is good and all, but is John Scott still available. Who could go wrong with an All-Star MVP!?!

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