@Ligue nationale de hockey

Adieu roi ✊😔

Adieu roi ✊😔



  1. capscaptain1

    Most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen happen in the nhl by an organization to their own coach. Especially worse when it’s Bruce, such a good dude. Why couldn’t it atleast happen to Torts or somethin

  2. tailkinman

    Can I get a Fuck JR and Fuck Aquilini?

  3. Prestigious_Bit_9351

    One of the great coaches in hockey history

  4. WasabiChimChim

    All the post interview quotes plus this vid, I can’t stop tearing up

  5. Latter-Score-8937

    Don’t let the door hit your fat ass on the way out.

  6. WildWing22

    VAN has to be the worst run franchise in the league right now and that is saying a lot!

  7. TheWeakestLink1

    As a Canucks fan, this is an all time low. I can deal with losing games and the finals, but not this. To do this while promoting mental health last night is a disgrace. I don’t see how players can have any faith in this front office, knowing that they will feed you to the wolves and let the whole world watch. I don’t think I can support this team with this front office. I don’t care for a cup if it meant we lose our integrity along the way. Fuck you Rutherford, you are a disgrace to this organization.

  8. MAHHockey

    I mean… I don’t think anyone thought the firing wasn’t justified or imminent. He was on the hot seat pretty much from the start of the season. And it’s a near certainty as an NHL coach that your time with a team will end in you being fired.

    But hard to come up with an example of a coaching change that was bungled so badly. And it couldn’t have happened to a more likeable guy. This, coupled with the tanner Pearson mess? I almost hope this is career ending for the GM.

  9. ekohzzz

    Bruce B was a fantastic coach for the capitals. Great times and really let the prince fly his wings

  10. pizzaline

    Aquellini Out?

    Kinda worked for us….. kinda

  11. ThirteenDoc

    Horrible treatment of a great man. Bruce deserves better

  12. astolfriend

    If the news about Toccet is true, I’ll feel even worse about this for Nucks fans. Sucks.

  13. Valuable-Baked

    Provorov to Canucks confirmed

  14. Hairy_Seaweed9309

    Come to Toronto Bruce …

  15. MarketingOwn3547

    This guy is nothing but pure class. A shame how poorly he’s been treated here. Never been a Van fan but they can definitely get fucked for how they’ve handled this.

  16. BSDShoes

    Firing him isn’t going to fix the problem. GM and front office are going to be scratching their heads in a month with a new coach wondering why they’re still in the same position as they are now.

    Sell the team, Aquilini you dumbass.

  17. scandrews187

    Bruce is definitely the most genuine and down to earth hockey person I’ve ever met. He’s a regular dude with a brain that thinks hockey 24/7 because he loves hockey that much. He’s fun to talk to while watching a game because he thinks like a coach all of time. We both had the exact same opinion of Scott Hartnell which I thought was funny. Glad you’re not suffering anymore Gabby. Sad to see what they put you through but you are resilient and we look forward to continue seeing you around hockey, hopefully as a head coach somewhere better than Vancouver

  18. Yossarian_Noodle

    Thank god the announcer was there to tell us what we were seeing and would have been hearing if he wasn’t talking. The viewers almost experienced it themselves. Close one.

  19. MiloGoesToTheFatFarm

    I love this dude. Suter fucked him over so badly here in Minnesota with all his diva stuff.

  20. MabusIncarnate

    Well, added Vancouver to the « get fucked » NHL franchises on my list. It’s legitimately despicable how they treated a respected icon of the sport.

  21. Inflorida17

    Coaching can chew you up and spit you out.

  22. DrChimRichaulds

    I would love to have Bruce here in south Florida

  23. boomer_was_a_dick

    Bruce can I interest you in Columbus Ohio?

  24. bingbong6977

    Hope Bruce gets a great job next year. Shame on the Canucks management.

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