@Canadiens de Montréal

Montembeault est #8 sur les buts enregistrés au-dessus de la liste des leaders attendus à ce jour.

Il a également joué moins de matchs que tous les autres gars de la liste.



  1. user839621-

    Maybe I’m the only one but I always find decent goalies on bad teams always outperform their abilities. Players like;

    – Miller in Buffalo/Vancouver
    – Luongo in Florida (og)
    – Schneider in Jersey
    – Smith in Arizona
    – Etc.

    I think a combination of many shots and zero pressure is somehow easier. I don’t have the stats at the moment but Save% usually goes up with more shots which is contrary to what you’d think. That’s why these stats can be misleading at times.

  2. the_canadaball

    Bet Florida wishes they had him instead of Bob.

    We’ve become to Florida what the Garth Snow era Islanders were to Peter Chiarelli’s Oilers

  3. OlivierDF

    And per 60 minutes played he’s 3rd 😳

  4. sean_psc

    I like that it’s playoff teams + Montembeault.

  5. andyisnotfunny

    Do you think they’ll trade him since his “value” is increasing? I hope we won’t cuz I love him v much

  6. Pouletchien

    Monty has truly been playing his way into management plans

  7. xc2215x

    Glad Montembault is on this list, he has been a decent goalie for us this season.

  8. Can you imagine the train wreck we’d be if we even just had goaltending that just met expectations?


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