@Ligue nationale de hockey

C’est officiel

C’est officiel



  1. wmciner1

    They did Boudreau so incredibly wrong. Not by firing him, he clearly lost the locker room and was probably not a great fit to begin with. But looking for his replacement before they fired him

  2. La-Spatule

    We all wish a warm welcome and the best of chances to the boys club !

  3. shoresy17

    What’s next? Lemieux going to buy a stake in ownership? Try and trade the first overall pick for Crosby?

  4. MichealangeloRetardo

    This won’t change a thing Jim Rutherford and his puppet Patrick Alviin are the ones who should be fired and Francesco Aquilini should sell the fucking team

  5. CountKristopher

    This should have been a mercy killing but instead they stabbed him in the back and let him bleed out for a week on tv.

  6. Funny_Stretch9405

    Tocchet, Foote and Gonchar should just play. Man I’m getting old

  7. Original_Sweet6

    I am just saying I wouldn’t join this horrifying team until they have a new ownership group. We need to get Deadpool on this.

  8. Rchap88

    Has this situation ever happened before? I don’t remember a coach beloved by the teams’ fans, players, and rest of the league canned mid season. Never mind how shamefully management has treated him. Canucks deserve better

  9. JustCapreseSalad

    Good lord the absolute dumpster fire that is Vancouver right now…

    Bruce deserved better than this. Canucks as an organisation can go fuck themselves. I’ll be sure to boo extra loud next time they’re here in Montreal.


    Fuck Vancouver for what they did to bruce

  11. Pruane247

    Jim Rutherford makes Jim Benning look like a good leader.

  12. MrWillM

    Vancouver front office full of fucking clowns

  13. OlTommyBombadil

    This entire saga has a cloud over Vancouver. I hope they lose every game and still don’t get a top pick in the draft. Gross.

  14. hairyfucker69

    Bruce to NHL on TNT to replace Tocs…please!

  15. NuMotiv

    I’m not sure why you’d hire a failed whl coach as your assistant but you do you.

  16. Tireseas

    I don’t hate any of those guys but I hope they end up with a flaming dumpster fire on principle.

  17. The same Adam Foote that couldn’t even coach a junior team?

  18. briansbrain112

    Now if management could fire management

  19. Player_O67

    What an absolute embarrassment of an organization. As a Canucks fans I’ll no longer be attending any more games nor watching televised ones. The most dog shit owner in the history of sports and a front office full of clowns 🤡 The players, fans and the city deserve better and most of all, BRUCE DESERVED BETTER! I hope he gets hired with a team that goes on to win the cup.

  20. starlightchaser60

    Have you seen JT Miller stop playing defence? Maybe releiving him of his duties would also be helpful.

  21. fdisfragameosoldiers

    I’d love for Boudreau to come out and tell us what was really going on behind closed doors. That team is a disaster.

    It would really say a lot if hardly any fans showed up to the next home game.

  22. ContributionHead2086

    Rip the canucks. Stop supporting till aquaman sells

  23. NotAMacaw

    Damn. The players and Canucks fans seemed to love him. I wonder what the hell goes on in the higher ups of the Vancouver Canucks management

  24. DegenGolfer

    I feel for Canucks fans their passion is obviously not being met with the right management

  25. Wild-Army9886

    Is tocchet really that tupid who the hell would want to coach in Vancouver.

  26. hereforthn

    Can Boudreau come to San Jose …?

  27. toomanyukes

    And now the ‘Nucks will go on a run, take themselves up to around 15th for the draft lottery and lose any chance of nabbing that Bedard kid.

    Typical. Predictable. Inevitable.

    *Crying in Kelly green…*

  28. scandrews187

    Looks like Vancouver burned some bridges. You Vancouver fans are going to be catching some shut-eye at the games now. You will be the most boring team in the league to watch

  29. LilSenate

    Can someone explain what’s going on here? I’m only in the loop of the tail end of this saga All I know is that Bruce is a saint and he got fired and management has been super disrespectful about it

  30. FerriestaPatronum

    Wish this was done to Larsen instead.

  31. Ginger-Beefcake

    The Canucks have… ahem… culled… their coaching staff.

    I’ll show myself out

  32. PebblyJackGlasscock

    Canucks still need a Center and a Left Wing, but Gonchar-Foote is a good D pairing.

  33. VictimOfCircuspants

    Damn, I was looking forward to the eventual Tocchet-Bissonnette fistfight on the TNT set.

  34. Oilersfan78

    Its official Vancouver has the worst management in the NHL

  35. --randall--

    Adam Foote…

    Still mad at you bro 🤬

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