@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

DJ Smith, Tim Stützle, Shane Pinto et Brady Tkachuk Disponibilité d’après-match – 18 janvier 2023

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith, les attaquants Tim Stützle, Shane Pinto et Brady Tkachuk après la victoire à domicile de ce soir contre les Penguins de Pittsburgh. 0:00 DJ Smith 3:55 Tim Stützle 5:53 Shane Pinto 7:55 Brady Tkachuk


  1. it was a nice win for the Sens but we really only gained 1 point on Pitt. That is not going to cut it for us making the playoffs. Even if we win in their rink tomorrow and as good as the other teams in between are, we can kiss making the playoff goodby. These long consistent losing streaks has done this team in.

  2. See what happens when the SENS get 2 goals fast and don't stop playing. They have to play like other teams do now score fast and don't stop you have to play that way in the NHL today .Or the other team will just roll you over .

  3. To the audio people at Ottawa Senators: your audio is always too quiet, and here leveled horribly. Pinto is about half the volume of Stutzle. Adjust that crap so I don't have to constantly adjust my volume before, after and during your videos!

    Here's the level my phone app reports for different parts of the video with my laptop speakers at MAX:
    2:00 DJ : mosquito, whisper, quiet library (25-50db)
    4:00 Stutzle : quiet office, conversation (55-65db) <== acceptable
    6:00 Pinto : mosquito, whisper (25-40db)
    8:00 Tkachuk : mosquito, whisper, quiet library
    8:25 Mendes and other reporters: mosquito, whisper, quiet library

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