@Canucks de Vancouver

Ils l’ont fait…..

Ils l’ont fait…..



  1. GangreneMachine

    Fitting that they hired Tim Hortons marketing group, because that company also presents a facade that they care about their customers and employees

  2. postmodern_lasagna

    Won’t be surprised if they juxtapose these pics in casual clothes with new coaches in suits

  3. your_moms_house_

    Fuck it I’m done. I hope the team just ignores Rick and packs it’s in. I’m sick of this coward bullshit.

  4. Wow yeah a thank you is a bit of an understatement. He deserves a lot more than this from the organization.

  5. cbstyles_

    They are completely unable to read the room.

  6. kneejerk_nuck

    Disgusting. If the Canucks don’t win a Cup in my lifetime then I’ll stop being a fan.

  7. thejardude

    I wish I had seasons tickets this year, just so I could do **Bruce There It Is** chants for the rest of the year

  8. savage_puppy

    Im out….i love the canucks but the owners and management i can no longer support…

    Theres always this hope that everything will change and it will when aquaman is out of the picture

  9. What a joke of an organization. A revolving door of bad decisions.

  10. floydfan33

    Canucks should have just taken the L for saying nothing on social media. That would have been better than this farce. Boudreau isn’t the right coach for this team? Sure, I buy that, but he is too good a man to be treated so poorly. Shameful.

  11. dbainerr

    We’re just swirling around the toilet bowl… I feel every bit of it…

  12. shadownet97

    I’ll still be a fan but I’m gonna take a major step back from watching this team.

    I’ll watch other teams and see how they’re run by their respective managements.

    We’re the laughingstock of the NHL. No one is talking about the Coyotes and the college arena anymore because it’s nowhere NEAR embarrassing as the Vancouver Canucks.

  13. stayathmdad

    Make woomp there it is the goal song from now on.

  14. great_save_luongo

    Just when you think they can’t get more tone deaf. It’s like they are doing all of this just to be as mean and heartless as possible.

  15. baseballart

    The organization is completely tone deaf. And much worse

  16. Aegis_1984

    Fuck Aquilini. Fuck Rutherford. Fuck Allvin. And FUCK MESSIER

  17. calgary_db

    Bruce was treated like shit… He brought a fun and offensive style of play after Green was fired.

    Defense was atrocious, but he should have been let go in classier way.

  18. VitaminOWN

    I’ve been a Canucks fan since 2004 when I was 9 years old. We were poor but my mom’s work got us tickets to see a Ducks game. It was so long ago that all I remember is we had Auld in net and we lost. Despite the loss I fell in love with watching this sport, and I even started to play street hockey. I’ll be turning 28 this year and this is probably the lowest I’ve felt about our franchise. The 2011 loss was very rough, but I was so proud of the team. What is there to be proud of here? I feel absolutely ashamed to see Bruce treated this way by an organization I’ve followed since I was a kid.

  19. OutlawCountryFan

    Until this ownership group is gone classless shit like this will continue

  20. badsleepover

    Absolutely perplexing how this organization can be this out of touch. It’s actually fucked, I don’t understand it

  21. Black_Raven__

    Stopped watching their games a long time ago and TBH I can say that my stress levels have gone down a lot.

  22. Boycott any and all Aquillini Co. businesses.

  23. xzElmozx

    Fuck this team. Gonna follow Petey wherever he goes when he rightfully abandons this tire fire

  24. JTMilleriswortha1st

    I’ll always be a fan and i don’t hate current management i think they’ve made some decent moves. But i’m 100% taking a break for the rest of the year the team is just so depressing

  25. Tall_Assistant3418

    Surprised they didnt write “Bruce there he goes” on the poster.

  26. 2BFrank69

    Only way I’m watching next year is if we get a top 3 pick 🤷‍♂️

  27. COVIDIOTSlayer

    Rick fucking Tochett? Come on! A gambler a rambler and losing record as a coach. It’s definitely on brand for Aquilini. Was Harry Neale not available?

  28. I wish the Canucks would move to Portland or Hamilton or something.

  29. exhalted_legend

    This organization is scum .. absolute fucking scum.

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