@Capitals de Washington

Nous sommes tous chanceux d’avoir « Smokin' » Al Koken à nos côtés.

Nous sommes tous chanceux d’avoir « Smokin' » Al Koken à nos côtés.



  1. InfallibleBackstairs

    Holy crap that’s awesome.

  2. jwpanic

    “The channel you cheer for, Home Team Sports!”

  3. Ovi-wan_Kenobi_8

    And his broadcast partner, the hilariously named Jeff Rimmer.

  4. damnatio_memoriae

    oh man, HTS… that brings me back

  5. No_Maintenance_9608

    Ah those were the days when they had Smokin’ Al, Mike Fornes and Jeff Rimmer. Of course Fornes spoke his mind a bit too much about the team and it hurt Old Abe’s fee-fees.

  6. BigSportsNerd

    39 years with the organization this year

  7. thatturkishguy

    Joe B, Locker, Smokin’ Al all greats but does anybody remember the greatest of them all????

    The Great Chuck Gormley!!! Gormley or « Gorms » as his fans called him was a sight to behold. I had a soft spot in my heart for his incredibly awkward ring side reporting, halting delivery and deer in head lights visage. I have a signed head shot of him hanging on my wall (that’s actually true).

  8. Penn_Blink

    Those were the days, man. Smokin’ Al, Mike Fornes, anthem singer Glen Cunningham, and PA… oh, geez what was that PA guy’s name back then?

  9. snipes125

    Amazing he’s been part of the of NBCSW network for nearly 40 years now.

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