@Oilers d'Edmonton

Klim et Hollywood : aller à la pêche

Klim et Hollywood : aller à la pêche



  1. Excellent-Medicine29

    Or as the oilers Twitter admin said it: “The Albertafication of Klim Kostin”

  2. man_machine_poet

    Yeah but has Klim wrestled a bear yet?

  3. Billion_Bullet_Baby

    Hollywood’s got himself a good pair of mukluks. Look comfy and warm.

  4. coprock2000

    Nice, no fancy ice shack… we used to use garbage bags so we could see down the hole

  5. MissionIncredible

    See, the key to finding Oilers players who won’t run to a warmer City to play hockey at the first chance is to make sure they don’t mind a bit of cold!

    No wonder the Oilers either draft Canadian boys or boys from winter climates 🍻

    No weak Floridian picks here.

  6. Excellent-Medicine29

    Honestly I just love when the guys hang out as friends and bond with eachother. It really helps the team in their play imo (it’s also just nice to see them enjoy eachothers company outside of hockey related things).

    Like obviously you have McDrai who are besties 4 life at this point. They were both groomsmen for Nurse at his wedding this past summer.

    Bouch, McLeod and Foegs frequently hang out together, sometimes yams is there too.

    For Halloween a bunch of the dads of the group took their kiddos out trick or treating together.

    All good stuff that makes them a good team

  7. SimulatedEschatology

    As the story goes, all Klim had to do was go out onto the ice. The fish drilled the hole up from the bottom and jumped into his waiting arms.

  8. PositiveInevitable79

    I wish I had fuck you money like that hahahaha ice fishing in a $1400 Canada Goose jacket and $85 Lulu gloves….. Love it

    Yes, I googled the prices. Why? I have no bloody idea

  9. icecream42568

    Getting their tinder profiles ready

  10. seniorcadman

    My wife loves your boots!!!! And she’ll out fish you. Sadly she out fishes me too. 😥

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