@Ligue nationale de hockey

Friedman est-il responsable de la fuite d’informations ?

Friedman est-il responsable de la fuite d’informations ?



  1. Canadian--

    Friedmans’ response « hahahaha, suck it »….

  2. nightshift31

    probably, the moment it was out send Bruce home and have the assistant interim.

    that’s why we are mad Bruce was left out to dry, unfortunately for the canucks management, what ever their intention were it backfired on an epic scale, and Bruce walked away crying with his head high and the entire province standing with him

  3. OlTommyBombadil

    Is this real? JR literally just apologized for saying too much to the media.

    If Friedman reported things that were off the record, he’s at fault. I’m gonna assume he did not do that. That’s how you get all your sources to stop talking to you.

  4. nightshift31

    OP, did they actually call him out?

  5. CousinJimmy46

    The Boudreau situation happened because some talked to a reporter. That is an organizational problem, not an Elliotte Friedman problem.

  6. BlessedCleanApe

    Bullshit. I wouldn’t expect terrible leadership to admit to any wrongs. It’s basically right out of the narcissistic abusers playbook. Blame every possible person except yourself. Take some responsibility.

  7. Ginger-Beefcake

    Elliot heard something from somebody. It was his job to report that. It was the other person’s job to not tell him.

  8. dbtennis13

    Elliotte addressed this on his 32 Thoughts Podcast today. It doesn’t sound like the Canucks have accused him of creating the Boudreau situation. Elliotte got a call from someone in Vancouver, not necessarily from the Canucks, blaming him for the situation and saying that if he hadn’t reported the story, it would not have gotten to this point.

    Essentially, per usual, the title is very clickbaity.

  9. Volumes09

    You know the organization is in shambles when they blame a journalist for their issues. Yikes.

  10. BlueBeagle8

    Imagine working for the Vancouver Canucks in 2023 and somehow being under the impression that Elliotte Friedman should be on your side.

  11. PositiveInevitable79

    Talk to a reporter and expect it not to come out… that’s their job, to report….

    What a joke of a franchise.

  12. No_Character_5315

    All JR does is blame other people coach isnt up to standards players are playing like shit …. nobody is safe type comments screwing up Pearson’s injury treatment and having your young star defenceman call you out in the media about it. Like how much more crap has to go on before this guy gets fired I’m just waiting for him to blame Finn the mascot for the next losing slump.

  13. Key_Tie_5316

    God.. just stop. I’m so embarrassed to be a Canucks fan.

  14. Meandmycanine

    And here I am applauding the media for doing its job rather than just being a mouthpiece for the ~~state~~ *organization*.

  15. TheKert

    If he knew and could verify the info then it’s his job to report it. Hockey media sits on far too much info for the benefit of teams already. If the team can’t keep their house in order and info leaks to the media that’s their fault and their problem to deal with, and asking media to not do their job ain’t it.

  16. 75Minnesota

    Go home, Canucks front office. You’ve OD’d.

  17. kennethlclark

    No he isn’t! Friedman was doing his job as a reporter. The Canucks are a dysfunctional organization! They need new owners not coaches!

  18. DeputyDangle19

    Still playing the blame game eh? I thought Melnyk was bad…

  19. Naughtydog95

    Look at the canucks trying to pass the buck for being a piss poor run organization

  20. Zelgius87

    Elliott Friedman is a weird way to spell Jim Rutherford but okay

  21. MichaelMannchild

    “It’s actually this journalists fault for reporting a story” lmao

  22. microvain

    Who cares who leaked it… its Friedmans job to report the hockey news!!! It’s Rutherford and Alvin’s job to keep hockey business in house until it needs to be out in the public. If they have trouble in house its their fault and the ability to not live in the real world and adjust when the news was leaked and let Bruce go and let Yeo take the reins for a couple games was a joke!!! Rutherford is one of the beat GMs out there in the past but he needs to learn to roll with the punches and adjust and do business in a good hockey market where the game and media are more active than a US market.

  23. devadoole17

    I think at this point, nobody really cares who leaked the news of BB getting fired. It’s more about how disgraceful and mean-spirited the Canucks organization were handling the whole cluster. Nice of the Canucks to attempt to shift blame from themselves to someone else.

  24. TheZebrraKing

    Never blame people like Friedman. There job is to report the news they hear around the league. Blame who ever in the organization who first gave it to Friedman

  25. Barilko-Landing

    And then Friedman will drag his lip across that sn desk and talk about how sad it is for Boudreau in the intermission of tonights leafs game… Just wait

  26. Spare_Real

    The fault is with the horrific Canucks management and ownership group. Worst in the league at this point.

  27. nylanderfan

    Sounds like something Emilie Castonguay would do

  28. scy9500

    Curse you Friedman for doing your job

  29. Dirtcartdarbydoo

    The only thing Freidman may have to do with this is getting the info out. The organization would still be doing this behind closed doors. They’re mad they were caught. Nothing else.

  30. OldTimeEddie

    This is more hilarious than their own fucking tyre fire.

    Congrats on JT miller Jim you stupid fucking cunt!

    Bruce boudreaux is a treasure of a coach!

  31. NefCanuck

    Canucks management fucks up, looks to blame others

    Must be a day ending in Y 😏

  32. fulibtardfools

    I think Friedman is a douche but he didn’t treat a guy who came into a shit situation and did his best to try to turn it around, Canucks management did. They are the assholes!

  33. Skippy8898

    I was just reading an article where Bruce was on a radio show today and he said he knew it was coming since about Oct. 8th. That’s just before the season started. This sounds like this has been going on for quite awhile and has nothing to do with media.

  34. BoysenberryAshamed59

    Keep going Canucks you’re doing great!

  35. GetChucked613

    Canucks management did Bruce dirty and are just trying to save face.

  36. Epicbeing15

    Classic Canucks management blaming others for being a group of morons

  37. 7_Bundy

    How dare a reporter report on what we were doing!

  38. itzpiiz

    Friedmans’ job is to interact with the organizations and report news. The organizations job is to keep pertinent information to themselves until such a time when they are ready for the public to know. It’s absolutely bonkers to give info to someone who’s job revolves around getting inside scoops and then pointing blame when they do what they are expected to do. This Canucks organization is fucked. I hope someway, somehow, the ownership changes hands.

  39. Its not the media’s fault. There job is to investigate and report. Unless Friedman leaked something that was told to him off the record, or he didn’t have it from multiple sources.

    The fault lies with whoever in the Canucks leaked it to Friedman.

  40. ImpressiveCan14

    It’s not his fault he was doing his job. This completely falls on the shit organization.

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