@Flyers de Philadelphie

Religion contre fierté : version hockey

Le défenseur des Flyers de Philadelphie Ivan Provorov sous le feu après avoir refusé de porter le maillot Pride Night


  1. So his lifestyle choice was different from the norm.
    I call that diversity.
    Why exclude him from playing?

    Diversity, inclusion


  2. This is ridiculous, it's not hateful to refuse to fly a pride flag. If you're a Christian, Muslim, jew,(?) Or any other religion you should not be forced to represent something condemned by your religion. Its not a infraction on your rights for someone to not support your life decisions/disposition/philosophy it's not an interference in your lifestyle. If they bench him for this it's discrimination based on religion and would be illegal and immoral in the same way it would be illegal to bench a gay/lesbian player for being gay/lesbian.

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