@Flames de Calgary

Ces deux statistiques expliquent beaucoup de choses sur cette saison

Ces deux statistiques expliquent beaucoup de choses sur cette saison



  1. DavidssonA

    Thats crazy, at least our shooting % cant get worse…

  2. SomeJerkOddball

    Calgary Flames, world champion garbage volume shooters?

  3. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    You forgot about 1st In the league for posts.

  4. janroney

    How is shooting % calculated? Does it take into account posts hit?

  5. MeowPow21

    Yup, I believe only Florida and Ottawa are worse in shooting %.

  6. I mean, we are a wildcard team, so it isn’t like we are complete disaster, but things sure looked better at the end of the off season.

  7. iggyisgoat

    Team cannot generate high danger chances. Just fire a billion shots from far out

  8. Hitting a moving goalie 91.2 percent of the time seems to be an under rated statistic in my opinion.

  9. WilliamStuartBooth

    Make the Playoffs. Everything resets.

  10. noneforyousofthands

    If you can’t tie a knot, tie a lot

  11. barkeep9

    Everything will eventually regress toward the mean! Right?! 🤞

  12. def11879

    Well you know what they say, you miss 91.8% of the shots you do take

  13. Need more traffic in front of the net. Translate some of those shots into garbage goals.

  14. nutfeast69

    I think we lead the league in posts and Toffoli is on top in that category.

  15. b-mint94

    Yup. Get a lot of shots on goal but can’t finish for shit

  16. scotjames12

    I blame the current yeast infection. The good news is that it seems to be clearing up.

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