@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les flyers vont chercher ton homme

Les flyers vont chercher ton homme



  1. penguinnote67

    Grab a hockey stick and a taser

  2. Nero_Forte515

    Well at least I’ll know the cause of my nightmares tonight.

  3. Kushykush_

    Hit ‘em with my wrestling finisher the leaping motorboat

  4. derpmcperpenstein

    Why am I sexually attached to this 😂?

  5. pants_mcgee

    Assert dominance through carnal means.

  6. RedRiot306

    Accept my fate

    Bad things happen in Philadelphia

  7. Dickincheeks

    Good lord, just watched ***It Follows*** on Netflix and this scared me

  8. ItsYukioOrNothing

    i’m about to tame some strange

  9. TacticalBill

    File this under *nightmare fuel*

  10. TotalCharcoal

    Legendary fight with female gritty.

    Normal Tuesday night for female gritty.

  11. JayDeeLA

    Reminds of The Shining and the furry scene…

  12. JustCapreseSalad

    What in the ever living fuck

  13. AnnieBeaverhausen

    *It’s Always Scary in Philadelphia.*

  14. shoresy17

    Is this what hit the griddy means?

  15. Montgunnery

    I’m bout to see what that Grussy like

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