@Flames de Calgary

Discussion d’après-match : Blackhawks de Chicago contre Flames de Calgary – 26 janvier 2023

[Recap/Boxscore](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2022020777) ###Boxscore |Équipes|1er|2e|3e|Total| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |[](/r/faucons)|1|3|1|5| |[](/r/calgaryflammes)|1|0|0|1| ###Statistiques de l’équipe |Équipe|Tirs|Coups|Bloqués|FO gagne|Giveaways|À emporter|Power Plays| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |[](/r/faucons)|29|17|18|56,1 %|16|11|0/1| |[](/r/calgaryflames)|35|12|6|43,9 %|11|6|0/3| ###Résumé des objectifs |Période|Temps|Équipe|Force|Description| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |3|19:17|[](/r/hawks)|Pair|Connor Murphy (5) Tir du poignet, passes décisives : aucune| |2ème|16:09|[](/r/hawks)|Even|Sam Lafferty (8) Snap Shot, passes décisives : Colin Blackwell (7), MacKenzie Entwistle (5)| |2ème|15:37|[](/r/hawks)|Even|Jason Dickinson (6) Snap Shot, assists : Patrick Kane (23), Andreas Athanasiou (6)| |2ème|09:39|[](/r/hawks)|Even|Boris Katchouk (2) Snap Shot, passes décisives : Luke Philp (1), Ian Mitchell (4)| |1er|19:32|[](/r/calgaryflames)|Even|Jonathan Huberdeau (10) Tir du poignet, aides : Nazem Kadri (19), MacKenzie Weegar (13)| |1er|17:47|[](/r/hawks)|Even|Taylor Raddysh (13) Tir du poignet, passes décisives : Max Domi (20), Philipp Kurashev (13)| ###Récapitulatif des pénalités |Période|Temps|Équipe|Type|Min|Description| |:–:|:–:|:-:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |3ème|16:05|[](/r/hawks)|Minor|2|Luke Philp High-stick contre Elias Lindholm| |3|12:42|[](/r/hawks)|Minor|2|Colin Blackwell Delaying Game – Puck over glass| |2ème|12:29|[](/r/calgaryflames)|Minor|2|Mikael Backlund Holding contre Patrick Kane| |1er|08:05|[](/r/hawks)|Minor|2|Jason Dickinson Hooking contre Nikita Zadorov|



  1. DromedaryGold

    I am glad we have a good 1st line with 4-
    5 shots and how in the blue fuck Do we not score on a two-man advantage VS THE HAWKS???


    We all most lost to the Blue jackets lost to the Hawk’s tonight, is tomorrow night going to be a blow out?

    It’s kinda weird how in a pro league that with one player missing from the the defense line we get turned upside down.

    Can’t wait for the Sutter post game interview

  2. laboufe

    Cant wait for people on this sub to continue defending this team by blaming the refs or something else when the reality is this entire team fucking blows.

  3. RanchoLover

    This team is a disgrace and I have no interest in watching them anymore…

    See you all tomorrow?

  4. xThunderstruck33x

    2 big bedard points!

    On the brightside, Pelletier looks really, really good. Not afraid to go to the front of the net either.

  5. Defiant-Gap-7595

    Did the dome boo at least?

  6. CaptinDerpI

    Embarrassing. Just plain embarrassing. We suck without Tanev

  7. Bigasspikachu

    That was an embarrassing game from our D-core. Tanev really is the glue back there. At least pelletier looked good agian

  8. canadadrinks2020

    Excited to hear Darryl Sutter’s anecdotal evidence for why -3 Lucic should still be in the top 6 after this one.

  9. Theboofgoof

    scoring is and always has been the Flames biggest issue, look back at the two years we were really good 2018-19 and 2021-2022, both those years we scored boat loads of goals and were elite. Outside of that we are a .500 team

  10. Outplay the Champ champs and then go to OT and lose to the bottom two teams in the league respectively. Experience Calgary flames hockey

  11. rye_by_night

    Lol this fucking team. Just when you think they are starting to turn a corner they crawl into bed and shit everywhere.

  12. RandyBobandysGut

    I said this in the game thread, but I really just don’t understand how the boys didn’t show up tonight. You win today and tomorrow and all of a sudden you’re 2 points back of the lead in the division. Losses like this are absolutely killer, and we have had our fair share of them this season.

    I’m not usually a fan of booing the hometown team, but the fans in attendance have every right to boo them off the ice.

  13. _sunburn

    Only good from this game was that pelts looked amazing on the second line to end the game. Got a feeling once he gets his first the floodgates will open. Such a smart player from the eye test

  14. Dr_Colossus

    Got goalied again right?! By Who?!

  15. Hungry-Raisin-5328

    I mean, Pelletier got 15 minutes and played PP1 time as extra attacker…

  16. _sunburn

    also I’m legit wondering who our PP coach is and how many shirtless Darryl pictures he owns that gives him THIS kind of job security

  17. CanadianRockx

    I watched Zoolander 2 with my parents and thought it was pretty bad, but y’know, sounds like it was better than whatever happened here.

  18. TravisTouchdown_51

    Another game dropped to a basement dweller, WTF is wrong with these guys? Tomorrow night is basically the game of the season, on a back to back in Seattle. If we lose that one it’s gonna be even a harder climb to make the playoffs than it alreagy is.

    If there is a silver lining to tonight, we should keep these lines together as they looked pretty decent in the 2nd before it all went to hell with that deflection goal.

    I hope I’m wrong on this, but I think the Tanev injury is really going to make or break whether we make the playoffs, the defense as a whole has been off this season without Kylington but losing Tanev for an expected period could be the proverbial nail in the coffin.

  19. BroodwarGamer

    Big W Pelletier with Kadri and Hubey. That’s the W for the game and Lucic is back on the 4th keeping us anchored like a good goon

  20. Skinkybob

    If you can’t win without Tanev, his absence is the least of your problems. Blow it all-oh wait, we can’t. Well… good luck I guess.

  21. At the start of the season people were saying we had a potent offence, the deepest defense in the league and a Vezina candidate goaltender.

    What we actually have is an offence that can’t score, Chris Tanev and a starting goalie who struggles to stop low danger chances.

    Tonight, was a tough night to watch.

  22. Ok-Disaster3062

    Hanifin pinching on the 3rd goal with Huberdeau backing him up sums up that guys hockey iq.

  23. Yetimanchild

    I hope everyone one of those fucks are yelling at each other. If not blow this shit up.

  24. DromedaryGold

    This team is so frustrating to watch lose tonight then we will beat Seattle then could play shit the next few games, you never no what to expect I still support them but this year there not a very exciting hockey team to watch.

  25. Cautious-Weakness-54

    We just lost to a team that’s trying to lose… I’m losing faith in the playoffs

  26. DomH970

    Blackhawk fans don’t even want to win, this was a lose lose, we lose to the worst team in the league and Chicago picks up 2 points in a stacked drafted

  27. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    Hubys beauty of a goal is the only nice thing about this game otherwise I’m disgusted

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