@Sabres de Buffalo

Sweet Fancy Moses vous commande

Sweet Fancy Moses vous commande



  1. PunchDrunkDanceoff

    Dude is about to part Lake Erie.

  2. half_breed_duck

    Dude is rocking that jersey and the beard!

  3. jimmy_beans

    Sweet fancy Moses? No- Turdburger Moses.

  4. Atty_for_hire

    Lol, this got caught my eye last night as well. More so because of the hair than anything else. He’s got that helmet looking going on

  5. budboomer

    This guy bought a Steve Ott turdburger jersey, fell into a coma, grew a « what year is it beard » and just woke up in the era of Tage « the American Lemieux » Thompson.

  6. UnrulyLunch

    A Turdbuger in the ‘Peg. Something I thought I would never see!

  7. Thought the same thing when I saw that guy!

  8. Sabres26

    I can’t believe that people bought that jersey!

  9. pzorrey

    Hahahaa I saw this guy too and I thought the same thing

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