@Rangers de New York

Les joueurs des Rangers de New York NE PORTENT PAS DE MAILLOTS PRIDE NIGHT ? ! Choisissez plutôt LADY LIBERTY !

Les joueurs des Rangers de New York NE PORTENT PAS DE MAILLOTS PRIDE NIGHT ? ! Choisissez plutôt LADY LIBERTY ! Cela fait suite à la prise de position du joueur de la LNH Ivan Provorov en raison de ses croyances religieuses.


  1. Your team is to play a sport… not to show your support for a specific organization….. you will automatically loose half your fans…. Just play hockey…. In your personal time ,do what you got to do

  2. When I was growing up, PDA's (Public Displays of Affection) were treated by being told to "Get a room".. We hetero's don't have a night.. we don't hold parades… We get a room.. so why do I have to put up with people who rub their sexuality (a set of lifestyles that gross me out) in my face with a pride parade or pride night or pride jersey.. listen, I've had lots of friends over the year who are Gay/lesbian and some that are trans today… I don't care about their lifestyle as long as they do what I do… "GET A ROOM". I don't rub their noses in my lifestyle choices.. as I ask is for the same consideration.

  3. Awesome, don't be told what you have to do. Time to shut this woke shit down, enough is enough. GO RANGERS-USA

  4. Great job Rangers. There is no greater a symbol of inclusivity like Lady Liberty proudly worn by the Rangers, or Old Glory🇺🇸; reminding us that we are all Americans( and Hockey fans) , whether gay or straight.

  5. Bless the Rangers for standing up for what’s right. “Never attack but don’t back, SIN” 🌺✝️🌺

  6. Any team that bends over and takes it like the Flyers did can bend over and kiss my . And I have been an nhl fan since 1971.

  7. Good for them 👍👍👍 Glad to see real men supporting each other

  8. Way to go Rangers, stand your ground and don't back down. And I literally don't give 2 F's about hockey.

  9. All these sports networks are now woke, NHL channel, MLB channel and all the rest

  10. 10 complaints millions of thank you for standing up for your own rights.

  11. Good people need to be able to stand up for what they believe. What do we need to celebrate it for anyway. Nobody is celebrating strait people day. Piss off with this woke b.s already

  12. These sport leagues are losing more fans than they are gaining with "pride" nights. I grew up in NY as an Islander fan, and hated the Rangers…but they may have just earned a new fan. The alphabet community has always been welcome, so I don't understand why the leagues are going out of their way to "show" support.

  13. I'm a Islander fan, but I need to give props to the Rangers players and have a respect for this Rangers teams!

  14. thank you for making this video. Were I not linked to it I would not have known of this event
    I am grateful
    It seems perhaps the tide may finally be turning.

  15. Not a fan of hockey and especially not a fan of the communist country of New York City!but them players give me a little respect for them!!you know I use to get excited to see a rainbow after a rain storm.but now makes me sick to my stomach!!!hell I want even eat skittles anymore just because rainbow colors!!FJB

  16. Looks like we're going to have to buy Rangers jerseys now. This is tough because I'm a Bruins fan.

  17. Why must you wear the rainbow to be inclusive? Gay ppl aren’t excluded from anything in 2023

  18. Stop normalizing what should never had been normalized. We don't need to push back, we just have to ignore it. Don't acknowledge it as anything normal or special.

  19. Since when real men should explain themselves that they have nothing to do with gays?…

  20. I have gay and lesbian friends and oddly enough they agree that people shouldn't be forced to wear PRIDE related items. In their words, if it isn't from the heart it doesn't mean anything anyway.

  21. The alphabet mob making it worst to the community who never asked for these extremists to annoy the F out of the world.

  22. Too little too late. After the NHL held a "whites need not apply" job fair, they will never get a dime from me ever again.

  23. They obviously have a young global leader in there somewhere among the higher-ups to push the woke propaganda agenda, the wef has wormed their way into everything, from entertainment to sports, music, media and politics. . They want complete control and influence over everything and everyone

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