@Flames de Calgary

Les Flames de Calgary sont la première équipe à disputer 50 matchs cette saison sans blanchissage

Les Flames de Calgary sont la première équipe à disputer 50 matchs cette saison sans blanchissage



  1. getthatcoffee

    We used them all up last year apparently

  2. imakeholess

    Our defence is porous this year unfortunately

  3. VictorHelios1

    Play vladar more and maybe some D and they will come

  4. Chickennoodo

    If only Sutter would just give Lucic more playing time…

  5. stinkybunger

    So a crazy change from last year

  6. super6646

    Kinda hard when your starter cannot stop the first 10 shots in any given game.

  7. Sufficient-Cookie404

    Yay! We’re number 1 at something! **FINALLY!**

  8. Now-it-is-1984

    What is it about Alberta that makes it so hard for goalies to be perfect for a measly 60 minutes, once?

    If Campbell’s getting one this year, it’s tonight vs Hawks. It’s entirely likely we’ll be joining you at 0 for 50 in 8 hours!

  9. NotALenny

    I dumped Marky from my fantasy team, he should start posting shutouts again.

  10. pugloescobar

    Oilers 1 game away: “hold the door open would ya?”

  11. setofonions

    It was the curse we put on otter come to haunt us…

  12. Kevanbt

    I think this team, this year, needs a captain. I think Backlund or Coleman would be good but rather than fight about who the team needs somebody to stand between Sutter and the players, someone for the players with the ear of the GM.

  13. jnova14

    It’s ok, we’re saving them for playoffs

  14. Vinny331

    At this point, the shutouts are a « nice-to-have » and not a « need-to-have ». The only number I’m worried about now is the number in the W column 😬

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