@Blues de Saint-Louis

CELA doit cesser…

#nhl #hockey #coloradoavalanche Jordan Binnington a encore perdu son calme aujourd’hui, et cela commence à devenir un thème récurrent. Nous décomposons ce que cela signifie pour les Blues de St. Louis et comment cela peut affecter une équipe dans son ensemble.


  1. Love the debate going on in the comment section! Anytime I see things like this, I think of a guy like Carey Price. Calm, cool & collected & one of the best goalies of the past decade. Same with Vasy. When you win games, this is the type of stuff you are celebrated for… but when you don’t… you become the number 1 target for criticism…

  2. Spot on analysis! Exactly correct. That was a 4 point game in the playoff race & Binnington was a sideshow attraction. Now he’s showing the entire NHL that when he’s playing great, just bump him or stick him and he’ll get off his game.

  3. the truly amazing part about it is that the Avs ended up getting a penalty after that whole scrum. So essentially the refs and league are encouraging binningtons antics by not punishing him. It was an atrocious call by a clown posse of an officiating crew.

  4. Binnington's kinda nutty, kinda normal. He loves to start s*** and not finish it. Total Goalie.

  5. Bennington started his career with a cup and thought it was going to be easy after that. His team won those games. His frustration with lack of production causes this type of behavior.

  6. I love Bennington, and some times he crosses the line but is Save percentage is terrible because no one plays defense on the Blues this year

  7. I want my goalie fired up but for good reasons and binnington is not fighting for good reasons… he’s a baby that’s it

  8. binnington is an overaged child he was like that in the ohl too

  9. Calm, cool and collected goalies are WAY more intimidating. If they think they can get under your skin, they'll think they can get you off of your game. Of course, you could try to USE that, give them some false sense of hope…

  10. What you fail to address here is that this relatively minor uprising of Binnington in this game in particular actually was a good thing for the Blues.. Often times his antics are of the net negative variety, but on Jan 28th against the Avs, Binnington starting some sh!t was what lit the fire for the Blues total 3rd period domination. For 2/3d of this game the Avs ruled and made the Blues look like a bunch of last-picked kids on the middle school playground. Once Binnington got a bit uppity (without causing any real self inflicted damage this time), the game took a 180. Stl got the power play out of the Binnington scuffle, and for the rest of the game, the Blues looked like the pro team and the Avs were holding on for dear life. I get your point, that these overly performative antics can get a bit tiresome at times, but you picked the wrong Binnington example and game to highlight. On Saturday Jan 28th against the Avalanche, it was 100% this Binnington uprising that gave the Blues any chance in this game. Sometimes he can be a distraction, but on Jan 28th, Binnington was the Blues #1 star!

  11. The worst part of georgiev heading over and the ref stopping him is that there were no refs trying to stop binnington and they just let him get away with it

  12. Although it is childish after he did this the blues did a 360 and outplayed the avs by far and almost tied it back up.

  13. Just be spectacular. Otherwise, only lose you cool if it is warranted.
    This guy, however, doesn't know that.

  14. This goalies boyfriend must’ve broken up with him recently, and that’s why he’s acting out like this.

  15. You are obviously hitting a few obvious points. But what you’re missing is his team leaving him out to dry this year. His stats this year show he is struggling. But when the blues are making horrible plays, turning it over, and putting no urgency into playing defense. This is where binnington shows ample emotion trying to get his team back into it. Yesterdays example with the avs is a clear reason on why he does it and the success from it, despite not winning the game. Blues were running a muck on colorado outshooting them and outplaying them for most of the remaining time.

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