@Ducks d'Anaheim

« Je ne suis pas sûr – c’était un discours de poubelle assez standard », –Trevor Zegras

Publier ceci ici au lieu de r/hockey qui est dans la folie actuelle, mais puisque je n’ai vu personne parler des commentaires de Trevor sur l’incident (peut-être parce que c’est derrière un paywall ?) mais le voici : ([https://www.ocregister.com/2023/01/28/ducks-head-to-break-with-a-win-over-coyotes/](https://www.ocregister.com/2023/01/28/ducks-head-to-break-with-a-win-over-coyotes/)) « Je ne suis pas sûr – c’était un discours de poubelle assez standard », a déclaré Zegras. « S’il veut agir comme ça, c’est très bien. » Eakins a déclaré: «Allez-y. C’est un jeu, si vous pouvez déstabiliser l’autre équipe, jetez-la. Je l’ai dit à (l’entraîneur adjoint des Ducks) Newell Brown sur le banc : Il (Zegras) est en plein dans leur tête. Ils sont tous foirés et ils seront encore plus fous quand il marquera le vainqueur. De toute évidence, ce n’est pas une source impartiale, mais comme personne de l’Arizona n’a rien dit, c’est tout ce que nous avons. IMO, la chose la plus probable est que Trevor a dit une chose et que Stetcher a vu Trevor pointer vers le ciel et en a interprété une autre. Surtout parce que j’ai du mal à croire que Trevor sache ce fait à propos de Stetcher. Mais qui sait? Je pensais juste que les gens voudraient voir sa citation alors que la chasse aux sorcières fait rage.



  1. The_G_89

    Lol I got perma banned already from r/hockey. I hate Reddit. Full of clowns lately.

  2. FowledUp

    « Buddy, you suck at hockey. You’ve been in the minors for how long and you’re still on the fourth line. » -Zegras, probably

  3. Flex1855

    He pointed at the sky because Arizona players aren’t used to seeing a stadium with an upper bowl

  4. dracomaster01

    Doesn’t matter now unfortunately, the narrative is set and he really can’t change it unfortunately

  5. GullibleRemote5999

    I crossposted, apologies if that’s not what you wanted, but something needs to quell the stupid ass rumors.

    With that said, I’m done with social media for the day, I’m going to bask in our victory last night and continue my NHL 2023 season at 40-0-0 on the Ducks.

  6. Filmexec21

    Just let r/hockey and r/nhl go crazy with speculation on what was said everyone over there hates Zegras anyway as they have been bashing him since the beginning of the season — if what was said is that bad it will all come out eventually, in the meantime let’s just wait for confirmation and go from there. The one thing I will say is Zegras is 21 years old when I was 21, I myself said some pretty immature stuff too and I was not a professional athlete making $850,000 a year. Zegras will mature and calm down relatively quickly, I am sure Pat Verbeek might have already called him to get his side of the story.

  7. buckyhermit

    Just a note about lip-reading. I work in the accessibility field. In addition to being disabled, I come across a lot of disabled folks, including those who are Deaf or hard-of-hearing.

    I’ve been repeatedly told that lipreading is not even remotely close to an exact science.

    In fact, without context, they find that lipreading has less than 50-50 accuracy. And a lot of what they « lipread » depends on context. This situation lacks context.

    So if anyone on social media claims that they can « lipread » what was going on last night… that person is full of crap.

    On top of that, it’s been pointed out that if Z really said what was alleged, the entire team would’ve gone after him for the rest of the game.

    As a side note, I am a lifelong resident of Stetcher’s hometown of Richmond BC. He’s a local hero. However, the stuff about his father isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when people mention him. So it makes me highly suspicious that is where Z’s mind would go, especially since it happened before he entered the NHL.

    A lot of the allegations just don’t add up, and just seems like another example of hockey social media running away with a conspiracy theory (which NEVER happens, right? /s).

    That’s not to say Z didn’t cross the line. He might’ve, based on the reaction. But maybe not for the reasons people think.

  8. SmellyGhost26

    Just remember to be civil on other subs or our mods will ban you from this sub

  9. boipinoi604

    I came here to find out the truth and it seems to be « standard trash talk » per zegras’ standards.

  10. thehawktopus

    « Dad watching », « dog water », « dick wagging » – whatever it was, no one thought, « Let’s just clear this up and ask Stetcher. »

  11. Duckzgo

    Before the Reddit fans jump to conclusions. What if the Phoenix player said, “your mom sucks ***. I know her better than your father” See? That’s what we all don’t KNOW what started beforehand. That’s why Reddit wants talk their shit on Z without knowing the full story. Zegras is just a Corey Perry man. Stealing sticks and shit and will fuck with you.

    Get use to it he’s in this league for a long while

  12. opiumofthemass

    ‘Zebras went from being the darling of the league to me hoping he gets Paul Kariya’d on a nightly basis now.’

    Someone on the nhl subreddit. So many fucking clowns exposing themselves in their desire to jump on a hate train

  13. TepidAtmosphere

    Did Zegras really mock his deceased father? That’s fucked up.

  14. mikaBananajad

    West coast based Rangers fan and Ducks enjoyer here. The amount of hate that is coming out of the wood work based on absolutely pure speculation against Zegras is ridiculous and has confirmed that my next jersey will be number 11 and I haven’t bought new merch (Rangers or otherwise) in like 3-4 years.

  15. AceConspirator

    Zegras is turning out to be a bit of a cunt. Disappointing.

  16. Bismillah835

    I’m not sure of this because I don’t play with Zegras on the ice, but he seems like a guy who knows how to talk and get under people’s skin. His attitude kinda reminds me of things Corey Perry would say or do. As long as he doesn’t take the trash talking too far, I don’t mind it. He’s got the skills to back it up!

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