@Ligue nationale de hockey

Via Craig Morgan

Via Craig Morgan



  1. John__47

    so the conclusion from all of this

    is that stetcher is self-righteous and easily triggered

  2. GobertoBobongo

    Good on Stecher for taking the high road and not fuelling the fire any further. Obviously Zegras crossed a line with what was said but I’m glad it didn’t have anything to do with his late father.

    On to the next media-driven controversy 🤷‍♂️

  3. SteakMan43

    So what was said? I call cap on this tweet. They just trying to save Trevor Zegras career.

  4. WalkNervous

    Bro just trying to make this go away that kid is a douchebag in the end it’s hockey

  5. Beachcomber365

    Lol reddit in shambles… so many « I CAN READ LIPS » Pros out here…

  6. CoverHuman9771

    Who gives a flying fuck. It’s hockey … grow a pair. I guess some of you ran out of tissues in your purse. Downvote away.

    It’s honestly pathetic how soft many hockey fans are these days. All this outrage over some chirps? Seriously guys?

  7. FunImprovement166

    Wait you’re telling me the professional lip readers on r slash hockey got it wrong??

  8. Hungry_Definition450

    Let’s cancel Zegras anyways.

  9. superdalebot

    Oh boy i sure am glad that the NHL poster boy for youth engagement didn’t say anything bad because i know there would never be a conspiracy to keep something like that quiet in the NHL

  10. geekinkc

    Popcorn 🍿.

    This happens….

    Instill wonder what it was….

  11. BlackCherrySeltzer4U

    But the lips were read!!!!!

  12. Forsakenplastics

    Was about his girlfriend. Heard it from one of his best friends who played with him on the Vees and they FaceTime weekly.

    Edit – Penticton not Kelowna.

  13. largetoro

    We need Jomboy on this to figure out exactly what was said

  14. AHeCalledV

    Sure, I wish that guy didn’t deck Zegras in the preseason, but Trevor’s gotta watch himself. I used to think he was being baited into doing stupid things, but if he’s shooting his mouth off first, he gets what he gets. I also wish he’d hustle to the bench a bit more often when his shifts ended.

  15. flowstuff

    this whole story seemed fake. why would zegras even have that info in his head about an opponent mid hockey game?

  16. oh_quiet

    So you’re telling me the entire thread of people randomly shitting on zegras because they are professional lip readers were wrong!?!

  17. Wokonthewildside

    Zegras “hey stecher, after the game I’ll have the boy lay out my formal shorts”

    Stecher “boy?”

    Zegras “you, you lay out my formal shorts”

  18. petesakan

    NHL protecting their poster boy…they gta keep selling those extra copies of NHL 2023

  19. MoonZebra

    Everyone’s always looking for a controversy

  20. GLFR_59

    I won’t believe it until it’s disclosed.

  21. Otterslayer22

    The best way to stop this type unsportsmanlike conduct is to have the player who was assessed a game misconduct repeat his “chirp”. Live on the air of face suspension. Boom 💥 cowards running there mouths will instantly stop.

  22. PlanningMyDeath

    Until Jomboy does a lip reading, none of us know the truth.

  23. jaxs_sax

    People who thought that are really dumb

  24. not2day55

    Bullshit!! Even Helen Keller could read his lips and he definitely did, so you can fuck off Morgan!! Zegras is a bitch and she’s gonna get her teeth knocked out soon.

  25. Strypes4686

    I Call bullshit…. Where the fuck is Johnboy,he’ll set the record straight.

  26. RandyLahey514

    Good on Stecher here for taking the high road. But that boy Zegras – big ass mouth for someone whose team has finished what 28th at best?

  27. ice_nyne

    Maybe we need to put Elliotte Friedman on the case…

  28. jarthan

    Looks to me like he told Stetcher that he should be watching from « up there » as in the press box

  29. popculturetommy

    Twitter, r/nhl and r/hockey in shambles tonight. “BUt tHE lIp reADIng”

  30. I wonder if all the twitter and reddit users that called him a giant piece of shit over wild speculation will correct their hot takes

  31. Ducksfan182

    Dallas Eakins defended Zegras. Eakins is known as a new-age progressive coach. That may not hold much weight but that tells me whatever Zegras said was probably not crossing the line. Capable of pissing someone off? Sure. But not over the line.

  32. Pristine_Dig_4374

    I bet he said I bet you won’t sit out pride night for your dad

  33. srainey58

    It wasn’t the heinous thing that would make sense given the player’s personal life, his reaction, AND the lip reading rumors. It was some other, different heinous thing


  34. Badgerdont

    Look at all these losers in the replies still trying to push the dad narrative

  35. Flex1855

    I remember when if a player said something out of the way he paid a price in game now we have internet warriors to fight imaginary battles about what they think Zegras might’ve said.

    If I’m a player on any other team in the league know I can do whatever I want to the kings and get away with it now.

  36. AcousticOcean26

    Who cares what he said. Stecher needs some thicker skin.

  37. phonethrowdoidbdhxi

    Ahh big surprise, /r/nhl is full of rumor mongering morons.

  38. Bi11broswaggins

    95% of the people in this thread are treating this like trashy reality TV.

  39. nerf-airstrike-cmndr


  40. Working_Horse_3077

    I am decent at lip reading but watching that it is really hard to tell what was said all i saw in the initial interaction was zegras opened it up with a fuck you

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