@Oilers d'Edmonton

Podcast « Les Oilers battent les Blackhawks, gardez le meilleur pour la fin » du Cult of Hockey

Ce fut une soirée amusante pour la foule à guichets fermés à Rogers Place, alors que les Oilers d’Edmonton ont marqué 7 buts, puis se sont encore amusés en insérant le gardien d’urgence Matt Berlin dans les dernières minutes. Bruce McCurdy et Kurt Leavins de The Cult of Hockey partagent leurs réflexions sur le bon, le mauvais et les chiffres.


  1. When talking about standings, is there a rule for hockey broadcasters NOT to use the simpler summary measure of "games/wins/points above .500" ? A win gives you +1, a loss -1, OTL 0. Can calculate either by Pts. minus GP or Wins minus Losses. SEA sits at +14, VGK +11, Oil&LA +10, Cal +7, Bruins +32, CBJ -17.

    Talking about games in hand doesn't really matter until about game 70, and win% is too technical to give a good feel. To be on track for a wild card spot, generally a team has to gain 4 points above .500 every 20 games (ie, 96 pts by game 80).

  2. Most important and game changing moment was the Kulak fight…and NO ONE is talking about it…..these things just seem to fly over everyones heads huh? I gave Kulak all 3 Stars last night. Team toughness is a MUST for deep playoff action…depth toughness like Kulak and Kostin and Holloway and Jesse not just hired guns/goons like Lucic or Maroon. Last year we werent tough enough and were badly outcoached…whats different this year so far?

  3. It was McDavid’s idea to let Berlin come in. He and the other players approached Coach Woodcroft at 7 mins left and Coach asked Campbell first if he was ok with it. And So Coach told Berlin to get ready, he’s coming in at the 3 min mark. 😊❤️❤️ What a night.

  4. Image telling Berlin on Thursday that by the weekend he'll be the highest percentage saving goalie in NHL history. He'd think you were nuts!

  5. I must be honest about something that bothers me immensely. And it's not just you guys, but the public in general. PLEASE refrain from excusing foul language and thoughts as "excuse my French" as if only the French are susceptible to be in error of their ways.
    I'm not being ridiculous, but if you were French Canadian, born in Alberta and constantly attacked as a separatist because you happen to know two languages, it gets old fast.

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