@Kraken de Seattle

Matty B hors du Allstar Game. Boiteux

Matty B hors du Allstar Game. Boiteux



  1. adrianp07

    for some reason I thought another player on the Kraken would replace him?

  2. lukryst

    I hate Tyler Myers and I hate the NHL

  3. Fit-Mathematician968

    So no Kraken in the all-star game? That’s stupid.

  4. BenSoloGhost

    Why would they not replace him with a Kraken player? So we get no one representing the team now

  5. b_dubs2145

    I still think it is stupid that the NHL hasn’t looked into that hit by Myers, for me it looked intentional

  6. BlackSnowMarine

    Forever fuck Tyler Myers.

    Hope he gets an eyelash stuck in the corner of his eye for the rest of his life.

  7. PoutineMountain

    Good. Let these guys have some time off.

  8. Fred_Smythe

    So here’s a good look for the league: Should Carolina win tomorrow, the team leading the Pacific Division will have NO representation whatsoever on that division’s All-Star team.

    Sending another Golden Shower in his stead is peak Bettman, too.

  9. LiberalTugboat

    Extra lame because they are replacing him with a Vegas player.

  10. Nice-Ad-8199

    Good comments from Francis on this one. Other players already had vacation plans and have left the building. Then said the player they wanted was using the week to heal up. Sucks no Kraken players but that’s the way it played out. GO KRAKEN!!

  11. Crazy_King_Bumi

    I said it before and I’ll say it again

  12. seattlesportsguy

    Guess my Saturday just cleared up. I’m not watching if there’s going to be zero Kraken representation

  13. aztecas1o1

    So question, with him being injured does that mean this doesn’t count as an all star game for him in the books?

    Essentially is my all star jersey Satire now?

  14. flanman1991

    April 4th is the next game against the Canucks…..let’s get it

  15. AnimousVox

    Still astounded that Myers didn’t receive any sort of disciplinary action, though Myers playing is enough punishment for the Canucks tbh

  16. WestwardNorthWindow

    I’m happy to see so many people hate on the Canucks, especially when a couple of months ago I talked shit about them and people defended them here.

    Glad you all finally saw the Nucks for what they really are.

  17. Specialist-Idea-5396

    I am really sorry about the Myers hit on Berniers, I don’t get why he would take his frustration out on him. I feel bad for you guys that you don’t have a Kraken player in the ASG.

    Myers is a shitty defencemen in Vancouver always allowing opponents breeze by and score. He should never take out his frustration on a player that’s half his size and even worse, about to go to his first ASG. I really want to have a player from your team representing in the ASG, it would have been hella awesome.

  18. Jrdunmire

    Hooray now I don’t need to watch the all star game.
    That was easy. Get healthy Matty we need ya.

  19. DeadMediaRecordings

    Hopefully we have Hayden in the lineup for the next Vancouver game. Myers needs to answer the bell for it, if the league isn’t gonna handle it.

  20. Tyler Myers is a piece of shit. Fuck that guy

  21. Candid-Exchange-1752

    This is friggin dumb. This makes me hate Vegas even more.

  22. Prototype_es

    Wack, at least he still has the all star credentials under his name

  23. spineapplepie

    I’ve never flown one (or in one) before because I’m afraid of heights, but I’ve decided to start training to get a helicopter license so that I can fly high up into the sky and gently drop Tyler Myers into an active volcano.

  24. foster-rx

    1st place team with no all-stars. Seems about right.

  25. hippidyhopsguy

    I officially hate Tyler Myers and the Canucks. That dude is a POS

  26. TripleBicepsBumber

    How could there have not been a hearing for a fine at the very least. Holy shit.

  27. SteelReserve509

    Good. We want him as healthy as possible for the games that matter the most.

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