@Sabres de Buffalo

Friedman sur Eichel : il remarque ce qui se passe à Buffalo

https://twitter.com/SneakyJoeSports/status/1620152267621138433?t=FnTmIohPZOpewsAZmS3ZBQ&s=09 Petit extrait soigné de l’émission Jeff Mareks sur notre ancien capitaine. Je dois imaginer qu’il remarque Buffalo décoller sans lui. Je suis sûr que ça pique.




    Buffalo making the playoffs before Eichel does would be the cherry on top for trading him

  2. mcas0509

    We really have to thank Jack and ROR, without them we wouldn’t of gotten vital pieces for this dynasty!

  3. Archduke_Of_Beer

    Stopped listening when he called Eichel a « ultra competitive guy »…

  4. dasokay

    >he’s noticing what’s happening in Buffalo

    Sorry to interrupt the glee but this title is not correct. What Friedman actually said:

    >Buffalo is on the edge of being a playoff team… I can’t imagine (Eichel) hasn’t noticed that

  5. Blatant_Chalupa

    I will always upvote Eichel posts.

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