@Flames de Calgary

TWC NHL Power Rankings 2022-2023 : Semaine 16 – Enflamme cinq places

TWC NHL Power Rankings 2022-2023 : Semaine 16 – Enflamme cinq places



  1. Nice to see but the only thing that matters is points/points % relative to our division and conference.

    The Flames are on a good trend but they will need to string a good wining streak after the all-star break. They are still playing catch up for that 7 game losing streak in the fall.

    With Colorado recovering from injuries and Edmonton finding their game the wild card spots are going to be hard to hold on to.

  2. Bob-Loblaw-Blah-

    These models are very strange, Moneypuck has also had the Flames as one of the highest chances to win the Stanley cup throughout the season and that is still the case. I think maybe we have a lot of games against bottom feeders and not many back-to-back games?

    And before people start talking about the Flames performing poorly against bottom feeders, it’s a lot easier to win a must-win game against a bad team than it is against another team in a must-win situation. Statistically bad teams lose games more often, it’s an advantage even if there is recency bias involved with loses to teams like Chicago.

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