@Devils du New Jersey

L’entraîneur associé des Devils, Andrew Brunette, arrêté pour conduite avec facultés affaiblies dans le comté de Broward

L’entraîneur associé des Devils, Andrew Brunette, arrêté pour conduite avec facultés affaiblies dans le comté de Broward



  1. Temporary_Wafer6858


  2. eburton555

    This is sub optimal. Hope he gets help

  3. MedicSBK

    That’s not good. Not the absolute end of the world, but not good.

  4. thedirewolff21

    Hope Bruno gets some help. Very interested to see who is coaching the team next season with both his and lindys contract up

  5. silvermarsh

    Such a dumbass thing to do. There’s so many options to get home safely nowadays, without putting yourself and others at risk.

    Hopefully he gets some assistance and doesn’t hurt anyone in the future.

  6. polish_hamr

    Well this could potentially hurt. I still believe Ruff had a turnaround with how this team has been performing because of Brunettes help rather than a seemingly overnight change in gameplay

  7. hypernermalization

    There are worse things to have done if no one was hurt but boy are we not paying you enough? Hire a driver.

    It’s a long way from Lou telling Marty he wasn’t allowed to ride a motorcycle.

  8. Usedfirehose

    I thought the legal minimum to drive in Florida is .08

  9. TallerWindow

    Incredibly disappointing to hear, sets a bad example and is embarrassing for the organization. Team doesn’t need this right now. Thank goodness nobody was hurt.

  10. Ok-Distance6320

    Hope he gets the help he needs.

    And a distant second to that: yikes, there goes our power play.

  11. McRibs2024

    Ugh couple things-

    We’ve avoided bad non hockey drama for a long time. This is a stupid and avoidable distraction in the locker room.

    It looks like no one was hurt, unless I missed something. So that’s fortunate.

    If it’s his first I hope he learns from it and moves on.

    If it’s a second or more I hope he gets the help he needs

    Lastly for a guy on the cusp of taking the reigns here or somewhere- this is a big knock potentially. No one wants to deal with a coach that has on off legal issues.

  12. BigBadWolf44

    Man goes back to Florida and turns into Florida man.

    Rehab coach, get better.

  13. WahiniLover

    For the love of God. Can we just have nice things for longer than 5 minutes

    I live in South Florida and would’ve been thrilled to be his chauffeur for the week.
    Maybe meet Jack, maybe not, but at least he wouldn’t have gotten a DUI.

  14. OBAFGKM17

    Guys, let’s not panic, this is a terrible situation and I hope Bruno gets whatever help he needs, but don’t forget what happened to the last team that was terrible and then all of a sudden got a new coach with a DUI…

    ***Edit*** done with work and was able to get more context, golf cart on private beach path is not exactly a terrible situation, stupid, yes, but not exactly endangering the lives of others. Still, I hope the judge sentences him to community service coaching hockey.

  15. Not the Devils news I was looking forward to lmao

  16. WahiniLover

    My 2nd thought about this today.

    Is it possible that Florida knew this was an issue and that’s why they let him get away?

  17. BubbaCrosby

    In a golf cart. Fuck the police.

  18. sanbaba

    This is probably nothing, literally anybody could get a DUI for golf cart shenanigans. But… anybody still feel like firing Lindy? XD

  19. Cock_Diesel1

    Well shiiit

    Edit: wait, in a golf cart? Lol okay I’m a lot less concerned. Still definitely not great but at least he wasn’t doing 100 in a car while wasted.

  20. Javi1192

    So.. he was driving a golf cart [on a beach road](https://imgur.com/a/EQq0X1C) leaving a bar after the cop gave him a citation for illegally parking his golf cart and running two stop signs in a golf cart.

    Obviously can’t excuse the intent of DUI but it could have been a much worse situation. Glad no one was hurt.

    Alternatively, the cop could have just been being a dick because that road looks almost private and ‘running two stop signs’ on that road looks like a pretty standard day for most American drivers

    Edit: handing over his wife’s license is a little fishy though

  21. Harrisonmonopoly

    I love the difference in how people feel about this here compared to Twitter. Yeah it sucks he got a DUI. He was out with his wife in a tropical place where things hang pretty loose on a golf cart. Why don’t we hold the phone on sending this guy to rehab?

  22. Franzblau

    Bruno getting a DUI on a golf cart is basically Blackwood getting that tripping penalty trying to make a save against Nashville 😂

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