@Canucks de Vancouver

Elias Pettersson remporte le tir le plus dur au Match des étoiles 2023 de la LNH

Elias Pettersson remporte le tir le plus dur au concours d’habiletés du match des étoiles de la LNH 2023 avec une explosion de 103,2 mph! Si vous souhaitez vous tenir au courant de toutes les dernières nouvelles, des faits saillants, des fonctionnalités et du contenu All-Access Canucks, assurez-vous de vous abonner à un ou à tous nos flux sociaux, que vous pouvez trouver ci-dessous. #Canucks Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube officielle des Canucks ici : http://www.youtube.com/Canucks Vous pouvez également nous suivre sur Twitter (@Canucks) : http://twitter.com/canucks Consultez notre page Facebook : http ://facebook.com/canucks Voir des photos et des vidéos sur Instagram : http://instagram.com/Canucks Chaque canal est assez unique, donc si vous voulez voir tout ce que les Canucks ont, vous voudrez certainement vérifier chaque canal.


  1. The fact that he did that competition against Ovechkin makes this even more legendary. Probably could've gone even harder than that.

  2. Love how it showed 100.1 and 100.7 for his two shots or whatever it was. I guess chip puck had a bit of dip on it. Didn't know he was leading until way later. Congrats though Petey! Maybe you can be the positive face of the worst managed franchise in the NHL. Fire Rutherford!!!!!!!

  3. I never knew Pettersson had a hard slap shot. I thought his wrist shot was his strength.

    It’s too bad Boeser didn’t have the same form he did in his rookie year. Imagine a Canuck winning both shooting contests.

  4. I know Quinn loves to dance at the blue line and Petey is known for the one timer at the dot on the PP… but I'd love to see Petey circle the point and step into his one timers so we can see bombs like this more often in games. I think it will be effective and add another threat on the PP instead of how stagnant and predictable they are right now. Look, I know its easier said than done and I'm just your average keyboard warrior lol. Congrats on the hardest shot EP!

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