@Blackhawks de Chicago

Deuxième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley de 1971, les Blackhawks de Chicago contre les Canadiens de Montréal

Match 2 de la finale de la Coupe Stanley de 1971, Blackhawks vs Canadiens du stade de Chicago. Il s’agit de séquences télévisées originales coupées pour une émission phare sur WGN en 1972 intitulée « Destination Stanley Cup ». Pas de super ralenti ou de film granuleux terrible avec cette horrible musique de fond de film porno des années 70. Toujours à la recherche de séquences complètes de ces séries éliminatoires de 1971. Envoyez-moi un message si vous avez des pistes.


  1. Notice a tradition during pre-game. From time Hawks hit ice, to singing of National Anthem….crowd would give Hawks Standing O (this is before Anthem tradition which started in 1985 during the Edmonton Series)

  2. My Oh My…if Hawks had Hull for 8 more years until he retired….we probably would have had Brett Too!!!!

  3. Thanks for posting! I will never forget this series as I was a senior in high school and being a huge Canadiens fan I was taking quite a ribbing from my fellow class mates. I told them to put their money where their mouths were and took bets at even odds being two games down. I got the last laugh as the Habs won in seven. If anybody can ever find the full broadcast of that series that would be awesome. Thanks again!

  4. I noticed that on Angotti's goal, Dryden cleared a piece of tape in his crease before the shot and lost his concentration.
    I wish something like that happened in game seven instead of Tony waving at LeMaire's shot.

  5. Bill Wirtz was a cheap bastard who NEVER would've paid market value for Brett. He wasn't called "Dollar Bill" for nothing.

  6. Forgot all about them, Martin! And I even had a Pit Martin jersey, too!!! Cliff Koroll also wore a helmet, if I remember correctly.

  7. As I write, the Hawks are playing Detroit and are in overtime at the United Center. I hope they lose because I will never forgive the Wirtz family for not allowing the game to be broadcast in Chicago.

  8. Very sad night indeed as my friend just called to tell me the Hawks beat Detroit in O.T.

  9. Oh how the calibre of the game has changed. These guys look like a couple of good industrial league teams with a couple of good players. Dryden was the star of this series and he looks horrible here.

  10. If you look real close,you'll notice Tony Esposito squinting. A bad omen. We know what happens in game 7.

  11. 3 full Leafs Rangers games exist from the 71 playoffs but that is all I know about. I'd love to see the Habs Bruins series & the Habs Hawks series.

  12. Jim Pappin #8 and Pit Martin #7(cf. R.I.P.) must be congratulating Ken Dryden(cf. 4:11) on his acceptance into Law School in Canada and his illegally oversized goalie leg pads(cf. must have been a Crown Agent). Dryden must be with Sidley Austin LLP or DLA Pipper? At least Bobby Hull #9 and Chico Making #16 didn't mind(cf. Dryden never saw the puck). I saw Mr. Wirtz at Chicago Stadium(cf. nice tan and well dressed i.e. happy and handsome). And yes, that is Jim West #1 doing the play by play.

  13. This is the NHL I remember: no ads on the boards or ice, real hockey skates, tape on the socks and pads.

  14. god, I lived in Detroit, but I was born in Chit town! Last year, I was at my brother's summer place in Door County, WI. And there was Tony Esposito, jogging by! My hero. He said "how ya doin'"?

  15. Just think, how many players that were playing ended up in the Hockey Hall of Fame. Shows you the quality of talent that was on the ice. And to add, Dryden, already a Cornell graduate, was on his way to Law School.

  16. Nice to hear the Stadium crowd's reaction to the Hawk goals without being drowned out by that godawful train horn. I'd love to take an ax to that stupid thing. No horns. No stupid songs. Just the thrilling sound of 20,000 Blackhawk fans going crazy.

  17. I seem to remember destination stanley cup being broadcasted in 1971. Anyone know if there was a 1971 version?

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