@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks pourraient potentiellement avoir un match de pré-saison en Australie 🦘🇦🇺 Iriez-vous?

Les Canucks pourraient potentiellement avoir un match de pré-saison en Australie 🦘🇦🇺 Iriez-vous?



  1. crap4you

    No. I’m not going to fly to Australia to watch a local team play.

  2. festerthedog

    I won’t pay 50 bucks to park to watch this team in van. You think people we’ll travel to Australia

  3. GobertoBobongo

    Seems like a disadvantage for the teams that get stuck doing this. I crave normalcy in Vancouver and this isn’t it!

  4. Yeginvest

    Why do I want to watch us lose in a different country, yet alone one that’s a 24hr+ flight away lol

  5. No_Character_5315

    I live in vancouver and get offered tickets on occasion for free and dont go they are going to suck no matter what country the game is in.

  6. Giraffe-kit

    All for it, it’s a god send for our Aussie brother and sisters, in this sub.

  7. allenbraxton

    It’s be a cool experience! Watching my favourite team play in a pretty unorthodox location would be cool!

  8. grayum_ian

    I used to play hockey in Australia, it’s really unpopular. I know that’s the point of this so maybe it would help, but they have a ton of work to do.

  9. kenflux

    As an Australian Canucks fan, yes i would go.

  10. asdd1937

    Shouldn’t the blues be on the list since they have an Australian player on their roster?

  11. Heraisacrazybitch

    I’m moving back to NZ soon and super gutted I wont get to go to games again. I would probably try get to a game if there was one in Aussie

  12. EonsForDays1257

    Just to watch them lose? No thanks

  13. Greecelightninn

    Is everybody well off here ? Am I the only one that can’t afford this ?

  14. andy_soreal

    Why do all the comments seem to think the intention is for Vancouverites to fly out and watch it? I feel like I’m getting whooshed here.

    It’s to get more eyes on the sport, they want all aussies in the audience

  15. nelson6364

    Considering the poor starts that the Canucks had for the last two years, let’s hope the Canucks arn’t part of this. They don’t need a very long trip to use as an excuse for a bad start.

  16. Largebargecharge

    If I got free tickets hotel and flights paid for

  17. actualhorta

    I’m in Australia, but it wont be held in my state… I’d want to go no matter who was playing, but I’d have to do the maths on the travel, sadly.

  18. Striking_Economy5049

    I absolutely will go, and I know many who will

  19. Bizzlebanger

    That could be fun and doable if a majority of my income didn’t go to having a place to live…

  20. MossJr81

    Expat living in Aus and a huge Canucks fan. My wife and daughter are now also big Canucks fans but have never been to North America so the possibility of seeing them play live without having to fly to the other side of the planet is amazing! Will be going for sure!!

  21. DrHockey69

    Just remember, DONT fuck with the locals-> animals and critters.

  22. RegisthEgregious

    I’m an expat living in Australia. I’d absolutely go so long as Acqualini isn’t the owner.

  23. lightningmcmemex

    Why would you want to subject anybody else to this trash heap of a team?

  24. Zenkraft

    If it’s in Brisbane I’ll be there. It probably won’t be in Brisbane though 🙁

  25. deanerC

    As a Vancouverite living in Australia, nothing would give me more joy than to watch Petey again. I haven’t seen him since his rookie year

  26. stickinrink

    It makes sense as the Canucks are one of the more international teams.

  27. CSIHoratioCaine

    Half of whistler is cheering

  28. timorousme

    everybody saying they won’t go is going to change their tune when it’s the first chance to see connor « canuck » bedard 😉

  29. That tweet says « to start the season ». That doesn’t sound like preseason to me.

  30. SnowBird1973

    Pay for my trip and we’ll see….lol

  31. Nostradanglus

    I live in Sydney. I’m bringing the whole family if they come

  32. pheron1123

    I know it’s to grow the sport locally, but if they want to fill out the seats with NA fans looking for an excuse to go to Oz, it should be VAN and LA.. It’s a PITA to get there from the E Coast. Pretty painless flight from LA, actually, if you’ve got ambien + lie-flat seats.

  33. Hyperocean

    Australia with coach Bruce would have been proper.. but in today’s reality, it would be a lot of dollery-do’s to go watch them shit the bed..

  34. Sinochick

    I need to see Petey holding a koala bear…..

  35. Australia? That’d be beyond cool. Love the idea. I won’t go but I’m happy for the Australian canucks fans out there.

  36. deeho88

    u/TimsAFK you’re going to go right

  37. dadaholic

    This would be awesome – would be there for sure.

  38. CanuckDownUnda

    Are you kidding me??? Living is Sydney and this is a dream!! Hopefully not in early October cause funnily enough I’ll be in Van.

  39. thefallenloony

    Aussie here who would definitely go not having to spend thousands to get back to Vancouver even though I want to again one day.

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