@Flames de Calgary

Le point de vue des fans de Oiler sur la compétition de compétences. Formidable

Le point de vue des fans de Oiler sur la compétition de compétences. Formidable



  1. Austinrocks5213

    He went 8 for 8 which is amazing but Kadri went on to the finals.

  2. TBNSK74

    Imagine being mad about the All Star Game skills competition the players don’t even give a shit

  3. Longjumping-Limit827

    Thanks I hadn’t watched Joey Diaz in a while, cack suckuh. Tremendous

  4. Puzzleheaded-Sea911

    Ok………….. If it helps them sleep at night with their life size McDavid sex doll.

  5. Melodic-Bug-9022

    I mean, it is stupid. I turned it off because it felt all over the place

  6. CorrosionRF

    Only Oilers fans could have the best player in the league, have him have a career year and still bitch about him losing a meaningless competition. The entitlement is unreal.

  7. bdecs77

    Who cares lol. McDavid went 4 for 4 but Kadri and Johnston were faster and them’s the facts

  8. paholmes

    And of course, if he hadn’t LOST, they’d be saying it was the best thing ever.

    Feckin’ hypocrites. 😐

  9. Ginger-Beefcake

    The whole thing is a joke. Why take any part of it seriously when most of the players don’t?

  10. PervertedThang

    Imagine having a player who has a league-leading 92 points, with a +4 rating.

  11. ListerineOnTheRocks

    McDavid deserved the win ngl but this meaningless event was designed to make it fun for children. I hope those upset fans are kids because it would be pretty pathetic to care about this that much if they’re not

  12. Selmanella

    Who cares. The whole thing is a joke and means dick all anyways. Don’t see us bragging about Kadri winning… They don’t give a shit and neither should we.

  13. nibnoob19

    Lol it’s dumb that anyone cares about the skills. It’s also dumb that anyone cares about those posts.

  14. abrandnewsharpie

    This is Classic Oilers/McD mentality: focus only on the individualistic accomplishments and not the big picture. It’s a microcosm for how McDavid’s career in Edmonton is destined to play out. It’s wonderful. I hope they hang all his scoring title banners in the rafters!

  15. b-mint94

    Imagine caring this much about a meaningless competition lol

  16. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    If you watch the YouTube highlights.. Tkachuk is still living rent free in oilers fans heads.

  17. KimJongPewnTang

    Kinda weird you took the effort to go into their sub and screenshot, no?

  18. AbsoluteIKeatI

    Every player in the league would go 4/4 taking their time lol. They think the is is hard for the top 0.1% of hockey players lmao

  19. MysteriousWeek6823

    If mcdavid won that. Then why did kadri hit all 4 targets before him

  20. skeetspirit89

    I’m pretty sure at one point most of the llayers made their own game of who could miss the net the most and take the longest. Hughes and Drai were laughing about it lol you could just tell they didn’t give a shit and were having fun with it which is exactly what this weekend is for lol

  21. dylanknez

    What even happened? I just heard Kadri won it

  22. RoyMunsun

    I agree with them… the entire event/weekend is absolutely awful…

  23. TheBigTree91

    I saw his one 4/4 clip and then the Kadri clip where he missed a couple. Don’t have cable to watch it. I just assumed McDavid won….

  24. deanb9191

    This matters to me even less than the shit I flushed down the toilet this morning.

  25. Tinypeepeecommy

    Whole thing is a joke, poorly set up and run. Who even cares

  26. To help Oilers fans understand- McDavid won the qualifying round. Lost in the playoff round. That should be easier to relate to.

  27. UpVotes4Worst

    I didn’t watch the event (fugdashit) so did Connor just not produce and choked in the final rounds like he does each post season?

  28. throwawhyyc

    Oilers fans eat shit and call it chocolate. Dimwits.

  29. jaded-optimist

    They voted Stuart Skinner in. Enough said.

  30. Straight-Plate-5256

    It’s honestly pathetic they’re upset their star didn’t get maximum recognition/ dick sucking in a meme skills comp where nobody gives a shit this year apparently….

  31. cory420trevor

    This is great. Half y’all talking about “rent free” in oilers fans heads, yet this sub is always watching what “oilers fans” are doing and posting about them. If you go on the oilers sub there are no posts about the flames. It’s almost as if they care about their own team rather than posting about other teams all the time. Fucking pathetic Lames fans. Grow up. RENT FREE

  32. Then_Original_1269

    Hahahaha what sad losers they are

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