@Wild du Minnesota

Comment l’espoir du Wild Marco Rossi a reconstruit sa confiance avec AHL Iowa: « C’est un joueur dominant en ce moment »

Comment l’espoir du Wild Marco Rossi a reconstruit sa confiance avec AHL Iowa: « C’est un joueur dominant en ce moment »



  1. PopTartCrust

    Let’s go. Make the YG value skyrocket.

  2. ForgottenSpinach

    I hope he’s still there on the 11th. That’s when I’ll be down for a game.

  3. cothomps

    I will say that his game in the last month has picked up. I was pretty critical of him when he first got sent down because he was almost a non factor.

    (Getting bumped off the puck, staying out of board battles, etc.)

    Banging around a few AHL lifers has been a good experience.

  4. SeanSg1

    He was a dominant player last year. Lets allow him to keep it going for a bit then bring him up when the time is right. his development is a major part of the rebuild. 2025 is the year so don’t sacrifice the conference round win then for a wild card win now

  5. uberrainman

    It’s good news, but I think it’s smart to let him finish the year there, then maybe try him again next year.

    Of course if there are injury issues then he may be up this year but we shall see.

  6. Chance_Tale_7548

    Great news, give him another look!

  7. thatjerkatwork

    If he does not get the opportunity to rejoin the big club again this season it would be cool to see the IA boys go on a run for the Calder Cup!

  8. ryguyMN

    Good to hear his « F-U » game has picked up.

  9. NorthernDevil

    I love how Guerin talks about prospects and the coordination with the Iowa staff/Tim Army. Just great stuff that gives a lot of faith that he understands player development and the importance of open communication from the front office. Helps being a former player I imagine.

    > “We’re happy with what he’s doing,” Guerin said. “The thing about Marco is that he trusts us. He knows we’re doing the best thing for him. We’re not mad at him. We’re just trying to help him.

    > “We could have kept Marco and had him grind it out. But that’s not good for him either. When he’s ready and there’s room, he’ll be in the mix with other players. We’re not saying he’s coming up at any time, but he’ll get a shot again.”

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