@Flames de Calgary

Flammes @ Rangers 2/6 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2023

Faits saillants prolongés des Flames de Calgary aux Rangers de New York


  1. Highlights need to include hits and fights…. massive part of what made this game even more exciting.

  2. Edited the Trouba hit out? One of the best hits of the season. Disgraceful.

  3. Can the NHL by next year start with implementing a rule that clean hits cannot be retaliated without receiving a penalty? This is getting ridiculous.

  4. It's just embarrassing for the nhl that the flames goal in the playoffs last year was called off for kicking but the one in this game wasn't.

  5. Wait what about the hits and fights!? Isn’t this hockey!?? Explain why they don’t show them….

  6. NHL cant figure their rules out,and dont even show any of the battles in the game and they wonder why the ratings are down

  7. Markstrom flopping around like a fish out of water on the game winner and multiple near misses. 🙄

  8. Chytil needs to set up his team more and we got ourselves a solid number 1 center for the futureboys 😊

  9. The Rangers should swap Trochek for Chytil on their top power play unit. They need a second left-hander, gives Zibanejad the option to pass to the middle for quick shot.

  10. is that not a text book kicking motion?? way to pull it out despite the horrible call.

  11. Trouba train , comin thru … Good , clean , helmet popper … Suck it , Flames …

  12. How did they count the 3rd goal for Calgary?!?!? The dude clear as day kicked the puck in the net!!! This isn't soccer!! That was a horrific goal call

  13. we're was the lossless couch was sitting on the bench watching a free game of hockey why does he care NO he was not a good player at all too Calgary needs to let the loser go like Vancouver did to theirs and get rid of the player too that has a problem in winning start with a fresh team and couch too in a new city too

  14. If that isn’t kicking I don’t know what is, redirection, skate comes off the ice… might as well use soccer rules.

  15. Never saw the full game live or on replay. Just watched the highlights. I would have never known what kind of an exciting battle this game was with crushing hits and fights until I read the comments. Great marketing NHL. Lol The NHL doesn't even understand their own product. Lol

  16. That's a damn shame..I love seeing the Rangers lose & I was hoping to see it again..they just get so lucky at times..can't wait for Saturdays game against MY CANES in raleigh..When you play a REAL TEAM

  17. oops, accidentally clicked on the Disney on Ice version of the highlight package. when will Gary learn, you want to sell seats and TV rights? make the game like it was, hard hits, fights and bedlam night in and night out. UFC generates more revenue from 1 PPV than the NHL does begging networks to broadcast games over an entire season. The NHL is more interested in putting on a fashion show than a quality product on the ice.

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