@Rangers de New York

Troo Troo suivi d’un combat inutile

Troo Troo suivi d’un combat inutile



  1. Outrageous-Stay6075

    The only unnecessary fight is the one you lose.

  2. ProblyLosingSomehow

    Top hit of the year so far? I’m a Trouba critic but credit where credit is due, that was an awesome hit.

  3. ItsYourBoyFBP

    This hit will be shown on highlight reels long after all of us are dead & gone. 🎥

  4. PestyMgician

    Maybe if he keeps making plays like this he’ll trick us into thinking he doesn’t suck

  5. BeesVBeads

    Icing on the cake is Jakey rag-dolling Dube like he’s Wayne from Letterkenny.

  6. TrippyHomie

    Feeling like he might be over that nagging injury as the train was going full steam tonight.

  7. Shwinky

    *unnecessary ass-whooping

    That wasn’t a fight

  8. TheIncredibleHork

    Someone needs to set this up as a Shooting Stars meme.

  9. PaulSach

    Last time I saw a hit like that was Staal on Stajan (also flames, at the time). Absolute freight train clean coal on that one

  10. NewYork_Paingers_Pod

    We have just witnessed a murder

  11. lenball

    I could watch this on repeat all daaaaay

  12. trevaben

    Dube can stay and get his ass beat or he can stay and get his fucking ass beat

  13. hankepanke


    Glad Kadri got up alright too. That was beautiful and it would have sucked if he hit his head hard on the ice. Tighten up that chin strap if you plan on cutting across the middle of the ice.

  14. _TheConsumer_

    Smash mouth hockey at its finest. We need more of it.

  15. Ariies__

    Look I don’t like trouba, but his hits are beautiful

  16. PrisonMike35

    Sam’s call was great on this

  17. BenAfflecksBalls

    Trouba smoked that whole damn Flames pack tonight

  18. homiej420

    Also he definitely won both fights

  19. SlowVariation8

    A guy cuts inside from the top of the circle that is textbook what you want your defense to do. Body on body separate the opponent from the puck. That is one heck of a hockey play.

  20. schroderrr

    To fair, Kadri skated right into him.

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