@Canucks de Vancouver

Ce que je ressens en voyant Bo obtenir des chants « Hor-vat » et la 1ère étoile pour le match des Islanders ce soir

Ce que je ressens en voyant Bo obtenir des chants « Hor-vat » et la 1ère étoile pour le match des Islanders ce soir



  1. Zamboni2022

    I feel nothing else but immense happiness for Bo that he has a fresh start and a chance to compete for a cup, and immense happiness that we are not paying him that contract and have 2 new young assets to be excited about instead

  2. MznNazzy19

    Really nice to see Bo be celebrated for his efforts and not be overly critiqued. We are so critical of our players and get down on them pretty easy. I get where it comes from, I do. I hope we get past mediocrity and just get back to enjoying watching our team play.

  3. modestmetacarpal

    I’m glad their fans have welcomed him with open arms. I’m glad he’s making bank after his performance this season. I’m glad he’s playing in a market close to Ontario for his family. I’m glad he seems to be enjoying the game again because it must be really hard to enjoy playing in our market as Captain nowadays.

  4. boggz73

    I don’t really understand all these posts fawning over Bo, especially post-trade. He was a decent player, and an okay Captain but he really didn’t do anything that would deserve longstanding praise. Could someone please explain why some people seem to hold him in such high regard?

    Edit: And yes, I’ve been trying to vote Horvat out in Captain elimination poll. He should been out two rounds ago.

    2nd edit: Thanks for the insight in the replies. I may have dismissed what Bo meant to some fans.

  5. PaperMoonShine

    Considering we want a juicy high draft pick, lets hold off on the Islanders taking Horvat to the Moon, okay?

  6. nite_awol

    let them have their fun, we’re going to crush them on Thursday with Beauvillier getting a hattrick.

  7. Oroborus81

    Bo’s IG profile pic still have himself in a Canucks jersey and bio still says Vancouver Canucks hurts…

  8. dachshundie

    Must be nice… glad to see.

    Have we ever had anybody we’ve gotten from a trade that we’ve been this hyped up about? All I can seem to remember is getting washed up rental players that do jack all in Vancouver.

  9. Dyatomik

    I wish him the best for him but the more I see him succeed, the more pissed off I get that he’s no longer a Canuck because of management ineptitude.

  10. ProfitMuhammad

    See what they chant next year when he’s a 50 point player making 8.5

  11. Krovven

    Maybe if idiot Canuck fans weren’t so busy chanting « Bruce There It Is » and instead celebrated the players with chants….

  12. Man I wish we could get loud like that. That new York game we had where demko was cracked out of his mind was so magical to me

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