@Panthers de la Floride





  1. Metivjr

    Where were the fans? That kinda crap happens and I’m around you better believe I’m jumping in to help him or at least am asking some questions to stop the shit.

  2. MikeOfTheCincinnati

    Pathetic that the Panthers didn’t do anything. That TB fan should be banned from all stadiums. Attacking mascots isn’t tolerable

  3. F00Manchu

    Whatever ends up being the case, it was bizarre and upsetting to see.

  4. ImAnAfricanCanuck

    looks to me like the mascot took his jersey, and the guy flipped out until he got it back

  5. Perfect-Help3239

    Mascots pull that crap all the time
    No harm no foul play on

  6. MsStinkyPickle

    OK so the guy next to Viktor on headset doing jack shit needs another assignment. You have literally one job, protect the rat

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